Categoría: Otros

Yemeni immigrant is Doctor of the year in 2016

Talent without borders – Yemeni immigrant is Doctor of the year in Hungary

miércoles, 23 marzo, 2016

In today’s globalized world, migration and immigration enables people to realize their talent by moving to places their skills are most needed and appreciated. This is what enabled Mohamed Abdulrahman to come to Hungary, where he became Doctor of the year in 2015.

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The charity run team of Helpers and BAGázs

Helpers charity run – completed!

viernes, 11 diciembre, 2015

The Helpers team took on the challenge of the Santa Claus Day running competition on Margaret Island on December 6 for charity – and for the fun of it!

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Helpers charity run for the blind and visually impaired – Come join us!

lunes, 30 noviembre, 2015

Helping those in need of help is one of the core values at Helpers. Now we are running around the Margaret Island in Budapest with the LÁSS association and BAGázs. Come join us!

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HELPERS team - Immigration and Business services in Hungary

HELPERS Team Raises Funds for Blind and Disabled Athletes

jueves, 25 septiembre, 2014

We at Helpers love challenges. This time, in cooperation with SUHANJ! – Achilles Hungary, we tackled a challenge that took us out of our comfort zones, raising funds for two blind runners and a wheelchair athlete from Hungary who will compete in this year’s New York Marathon.

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HELPERS is Hiring!

viernes, 3 enero, 2014

HELPERS is a dynamically developing local enterprise that provides a wide range of services for foreigners living, working or doing business in Hungary. We now have a position open for a full-time “Sales representative / Relationship manager”.

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Happy Holidays from HELPERS!

viernes, 21 diciembre, 2012

After a long and eventful year, we celebrated at our yearly company party last night and are closing office for the holidays today. We will be back on January 2nd in full-swing.

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jueves, 29 noviembre, 2012

Welcome to the first entry of the Helpers Blog. Before you bookmark this page and never come back again, let me explain what this blog is and what we hope it will become. Over the past seven years, Helpers has grown from a problem-solving service for e

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