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Moldovan Investment Citizenship

The Moldovan investment citizenship program is now available. It is aimed at international businessmen who are ready to make an investment in developing a country and to receive a second passport which also grants them access to 121 countries around the world.

The Moldovan investment citizenship program is now available. It is aimed at international businessmen who are ready to make an investment in developing a country and to receive a second passport which also grants them access to 121 countries around the world.

European citizenship in just 3 months

You and your family members can become citizens of Moldova within just 3 months after the application package is submitted to the Moldovan authorities. The two main elements of the applications are a contribution to the Public Investment Fund of Moldova, and a strict due diligence for all applicants.

You can decide whether you wish to apply alone or together with your family. In the application, you can include your spouse, your dependent children under the age of 29 years, and dependent parent above the age of 55 years.

The Moldovan investment citizenship program

Investors are required to make a non-refundable contribution to the Public Investment Fund of Moldova. The investment sum depends on the number of applicants. For a single applicant, it is as low as EUR 100,000, and it is still only EUR 155,000 for a family of five members.

The main investment is complemented by a government processing fee, a due diligence fee, and the fee for making the biometric passports. These costs depend on the number and status of the applicants.

Moldova in Europe

Moldova lies in eastern Europe. With its agricultural and food-processing industries, it is one of the world’s main wine exporters. It’s growing free-market economy, the modern e-infrastructure and its close connections to the EU make it an attractive site for business.

Interested? Learn more!

For more information, check out the article on NewResidency.com, where you can find a comprehensive database of investment residency and citizenship programs available around the world. You can also fill in the form below to contact our colleagues.

Hungarian golden visa investment

First investment fund approved in the Hungarian Golden Visa program

الخميس, 31 أكتوبر, 2024
While the Hungarian Golden Visa Program has been active since 1 July 2024, and investors could apply for the guest investor visa, the investment itself was not yet available. Now the first investment fund has received its license, and participants may proceed with the investment and the residency application.

برنامج التأشيرة الذهبية المجري: الأسئلة الشائعة

الأربعاء, 17 يوليو, 2024
بعض الأسئلة حول برنامج التأشيرة الذهبية المجري: هل يمكنني تقديم طلبي للحصول على تصريح إقامة المستثمر الضيف إذا كنت بالفعل في المجر؟ يعتمد ذلك على وضعك في المجر. يمكنك تقديم طلب الإقامة في المجر فقط إذا كان لديك بالفعل نوع آخر من تصريح الإقامة المجري وتمكنت من دخول المجر بدون تأشيرة بناءً على جنسيتك. إذا […]
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ما هو إثبات الأموال في برنامج التأشيرة الذهبية المجري؟

الخميس, 4 يوليو, 2024
ما هو إثبات الأموال؟ “إثبات الأموال” هو وثيقة تثبت أن لديك مبلغاً معيناً من المال تحت تصرفك وأنك جاهز لتحقيق أهدافك في المجر. وعادةً ما تكون وثيقة صادرة عن البنك الخاص بك، تتعلق بالأموال في حساب جاري أو حساب توفير. في بعض حالات طلبات الإقامة في المجر، يكون إثبات الأموال هو نفسه إثبات الأمن المالي، […]


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Dombóvári út 27

Budapest 1117, Hungary


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