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Electronic ID card Hungary – E-card available from January 2016

With the introduction of the electronic ID card, Hungary has decided to take another step toward the modernization of administration. From January 2016 on, they will issue e-cards or electronic ID cards instead of the current simple plastic cards. The new card will merge the current ID card, address card, social security card, and tax card.

With the introduction of the electronic ID card, Hungary has decided to take another step toward the modernization of administration. From January 2016 on, they will issue e-cards or electronic ID cards instead of the current simple plastic cards. The new card will merge the current ID card, address card, social security card, and tax card.

Those eligible for a Hungarian ID card, from January 2016 will be able to apply for the new, electronic ID card, which will incorporate the other main Hungarian documents one uses for identification before the authorities. This way you will need to carry around only one single card instead of the former combination of your

  • ID card,
  • address card,
  • social security card, and
  • tax card.

It will be suited for electronic administration by default, and you can opt for an electronic signature function to it, which can add probative value to your electronic documents. It will also be suited for travelling between countries of the Schengen visa zone, just like the current ID card.

The new electronic ID card will be available for anyone eligible for a Hungarian ID card. You will be able to apply for it for a small processing fee whenever you want (HUF 5,000), or for even less when your old ID expires (HUF 1,500). Application will be free of charge for those over 65, under 12, or minors applying for their first ID card. When damaged, a new card will be given free of charge.

The new electronic ID card will NOT replace

  • temporary resident permit,
  • permanent resident permit,
  • work permit, or
  • passport

With the electronic ID card, Hungary makes dealing with authorities simpler than before. However, if you need help getting paperwork done, please do not hesitate to contact Helpers on +36.1.317.8570, or via info@helpers.hu. Ask for our personal assistance service packages, or get a tailored quote!



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Helpers Hungary Kft

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Dombóvári út 27

Budapest 1117, Hungary


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