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Financing option for the Hungarian Residency Bond program on hold

The Hungarian Residency Bond program offers the best solution for non-European businesspeople to obtain permanent residency in Hungary, through which they can move freely in the Schengen zone. Many ask about a financing option, which is currently not available. Still, it might be worth learning more about it.

The Hungarian Residency Bond program offers the best solution for non-European businesspeople to obtain permanent residency in Hungary, through which they can move freely in the Schengen zone. Many ask about a financing option, which is currently not available. Still, it might be worth learning more about it.

The Hungarian Residency Bond Program is currently suspended. For other options on obtaining European residency/citizenship, please visit NewResidency.com, where you can see the offers by country. You may also check out the Hungarian Real Estate Residency program.

Cost of the Residency Bond Program

The Hungarian investment immigration program is the cheapest in Europe, as it offers permanent residency to the whole family (spouse and underage children) for only a EUR 300,000 investment and a EUR 60,000 processing fee. The EUR 300,000 is indeed an “investment”, as it is fully returned to the when the 5-year investment period ends. It returns no interest, but involves no risks either. This way the actual cost of the program is EUR 60,000.

Financing option for investment residency

Currently not available, the financed option was popular among businessmen who did not want to part with the whole investment sum for full five years but wished to use at least part of it for other ventures, or who did not have the full price of the package at their disposal.

In this construction, the investor transferred about half of the investment amount to a bank as a non-refundable financing fee. This sum was then used to finance a bank loan of the full investment amount, where the bank realized the investment in the name of the client, who then received the permanent residence permit.

Full investment or financed option?

As seen from the above, both the full investment and the financing option have their advantages. Based on your own situation, needs, and goals, you will have to decide for yourself with suits you better – when both options are available. For now, you will be able to choose only the full investment, quite cost-effective on its own, since you get permanent residency and Schengen visa for the whole family for only EUR 60,000 in total, since you get the EUR 300,000 back after five years.

Want to learn more?

For more information, please check out our service page here, or contact our immigration expert Mo Shaban, either in email (mo@helpers.hu) or in our office (+36.1.317.8570). We will be happy to answer all your questions. Get informed before you make the leap, and join the businesspeople who already trade freely in Europe.


The financing option is available again – for a limited time!

To learn more, see our related article here, or contact our colleagues through the channels listed above.



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