أنشئت في عام 2004، المساعدين هي الرائدة في مجال توفير شاملة للأعمال التجارية، وخدمات الهجرة في هنغاريا.

Holidays and Christmas charity at Helpers 2022

ديسمبر 21, 2022

The end of another eventful year is getting closer. In Hungary, this is also a season for holidays, when ideally you can take some time off work, spend some time with friends and family, and reflect on the year gone and the year to come. We hope you will also get some time to yourself.

Holidays at Helpers

After all the hard work throughout the year, the Helpers Team is going on a holiday between Christmas and New Year, and the office is closing.

  • Last day of work in 2022: 23 December, Friday
  • First day of work in 2023: 2 January, Monday

However, please feel free to send us a message in the meantime. We will get back to you first thing in January.

Christmas charity drive 2022

This year again we are celebrating Christmas with donations to various NGOs chosen by our staff, made jointly by Helpers Hungary and our subsidiary, Helpers Finance. These associations are as diverse as our colleagues. Take a look and decide if either of them moves your heart. Making a donation to an NGO with a “public benefit purpose” may even decrease your tax base (more about this below the list).

Eszkuláp Animal Protection

Beside the smaller donations to other NGOs, we offered a bigger sum to Eszkuláp, an animal protection association that specializes in finding new homes for dogs with disabilities or other traits that would make their adoption more complicated. The funds went towards the treatment and a set of wheels for a cute dog who was shot and paralyzed as a result but is now able to walk and run around. See some photos here.

Magyar Élelmiszerbank Egyesület

The volunteers of the Hungarian Food Bank Association collect food, especially storable items that are close to their best before date, and make sure that they get to people in need. This way they can help people in poverty while reducing the environmental impacts of food going to waste.

Fehér Holló Vadmentő Alapítvány

There is a Hungarian saying: “rare as a white raven”. Well, injured animals are not that rare at the “White Raven” foundation for the protection of wild animals. Not only the volunteers take care of their guests before letting them go back to their habitats, but they also make fascinating educational posts about each of them on Facebook.

Macskavilág Közhasznú Alapítvány

The people of “Cat World” work tirelessly on helping stray cats by providing them shelter, medical treatment, and spaying and neutering. They also promote responsible pet ownership by creating educational programs.

Háttér Társaság

Háttér (“Background”) Society provides all kinds of support to people struggling with their identity, sexual orientation, and accepting themselves in a world that seems to not have a place for them. They also conduct research and provide education.

Szentendrei Árvácska Állatvédő Egyesület

The animal protection association of Szentendre shelters cats and dogs, and does their best to keep them happy and healthy until they can be adopted.

Katolikus Karitász

“Caritas” is the Charity organization of the Catholic Church in Hungary. It helps people in need regardless of age, gender or denomination by operating social and healthcare facilities, running various aid programs, and managing aid campaigns.

Igazgyöngy Alapítvány

The main focus of the “Real Pearl Foundation” working in Eastern Hungary is on teaching art to local children – and through that, soft skills that are necessary for a better life, like a love for learning, patience, endurance, the significance of practice, etc., while also bringing them joy and the feeling of achievement.

Autizmus Alapítvány

The “Hungarian Autism Foundation” wants autistic people to have a better life. They provide education, programs, and therapy for autistic children and adults, and also education to parents, social workers, and healthcare specialists.

Luca Kutyamenedék Állatvédő Alapítvány

The volunteers of the “Lucy” dog shelter provide temporary home to dogs on a farm about an hour out from Budapest. They nurse them back to health and find them new, loving homes.

Szent Ferenc Állatotthon Alapítvány

The manager of this foundation for animal care is in fact against calling their farm a “shelter”, as the word often conjures up images of sad animals in tight cages waiting for a miracle. On this farm, however, abandoned animals can heal in a pleasant and spacious environment before getting adopted. 

Rosa Parks Alapítvány

The members of the Rosa Parks Foundation are social workers, lawyers, and teachers who wish to support the creation of a community where disadvantaged (often Roma) children are safe to develop at their own pace and can receive quality education.

Ferences Alapítvány

The “Franciscan Foundation” has several projects from providing scholarships to high-school students through supporting people with mental health issues, ADHD, or autism to distributing meals to the homeless and those in need. 

Belvárosi Tanoda Alapítvány

This “school in the city center” provides alternative education to young people aged 16-25 who became or were on the way to becoming high-school dropouts because they did not fit regular education, giving them a second chance at getting a high-school diploma.

Társaság a Szabadságjogokért (TASZ)

The “Society for Freedoms” wants to help people get to know their rights and exercise them. In line with this, they run educational campaigns while providing legal representation as well as advisory for free.

Menedékház Alapítvány

The “Shelter Foundation” fights against poverty and segregation by providing various kinds of aid as well as accommodation to disadvantaged and poor families and homeless people to improve their lives and increase their chances for re-integration into society.

Miskolci Autista Alapítvány

The “Foundation for the Autistic in Miskolc” was first created by the parents of local autistic children and children with intellectual disabilities to provide accommodation, daycare, and therapy to both children and adults.

Jövőt Nekik Is Alapítvány

The “Let Them Have a Future Too Foundation” works for the improvement of living conditions of people with intellectual and other disorders through organizing various free-time activities for them.

Oktatással a Demokráciáért Alapítvány

The “Education for Democracy Foundation” was created by the Democratic Union of Teachers (PDSZ) to support unionization, communicate information about relevant policies, and provide financial aid to teachers who were wrongfully discharged.

Csepp a tengerben alapítvány

The “A Drop in the Ocean Foundation” organizes free-time activities for the disadvantaged children living in the Pilis Children’s Home with the help of volunteering high school students to create opportunities for growth for both groups.

Down Alapítvány

The “Down Foundation” provides comprehensive support to people with Down Syndrome and their families, focusing on ways that promote their inclusion in society so they can live as independently as possible.

Adománytaxi Alapítvány

The “Charity Taxi Foundation” helps people living in extreme poverty in small villages by collecting unwanted goods, mainly clothes from people living in Budapest and distributing them during monthly trips to these villages with their volunteers.

Remény Kora Gyermekvédelmi Alapítvány

The “Age of Hope Foundation” organizes free-time activities, summer camps, and arts & crafts workshops for disadvantaged children so they can experience a more carefree childhood and learn soft skills.

Magányos Időseket és Családokat Segítő Alapítvány (MISA)

The “Foundation for the Support of Lonely Elders and Families” is active in four towns of the southern part of Pest County. It supports the work of local pensioners’ clubs, and connects senior citizens with people who can help them solve their social, health, mental health, financial, and legal issues.

Being charitable is good for your company

Apart from giving back to the community through your CSR activities, donating to NGOs can help your company by reducing the corporate tax base.

  • If it is a single donation, the corporate tax base is reduced by 20% of the donation.
  • If it is a regular donation with a contract, the yearly corporate tax base is reduced by 40% of the yearly donation.

You just need a verification from the NGO that they operate “for the benefit of the public” (meaning they are a “közhasznú szervezet”). Consult your accountant.

Consider giving back to the community this Christmas, and donate to a good cause.

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  • سياسة معلومات الخصوصية
    من أجل الاتصال بك وتقديم اقتراح الخدمة ذات الصلة ، نتعامل مع بياناتك استنادًا إلى سياسة الخصوصية الخاصة بنا ، والتي يمكنك العثور عليها على هذا الموقع: سياسة معلومات الخصوصية .
    أريد الاشتراك في المدونة حتى أحصل على تحديثات منتظمة حول الموضوعات المتعلقة بهجرة الأعمال، وتطبيق المواطنة، وخدمات الأعمال والخدمات الأخرى.
  • هذا الحقل لأغراض التحقق ويجب تركه دون تغيير.
Donate 1+1% of your personal income tax in Hungary
Don’t forget to donate your 1% personal income tax

The deadline to report your personal income tax in Hungary is coming up: 21 May 2024, Tuesday. At the same time, you can also donate 1+1% of your taxes. This costs you nothing, and you can support a good cause.

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donate one per cent of your Hungarian personal income tax
What are all those 1% billboards about?

Wherever you go in Hungary these days, you will see billboards asking for your 1%. But what do they mean? Well, they are asking you donate 1% of your personal income tax, which you can do now that the tax returns season is coming up. And how does that work?

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