Helpers 成立于 2005 年,是匈牙利为国际客户提供全面商务和个人服务方面经验最丰富的提供商。
我们致力于为所有国籍的人士提供商务和投资居留服务,在现已取消的居留债券计划期间,我们是匈牙利领先的咨询机构。自 2024 年起,我们很荣幸为您提供欧洲极具吸引力的投资移民计划:匈牙利访客投资计划(黄金签证)。
2024 年,匈牙利政府为投资者推出了一项新的黄金签证方案(在匈牙利语中被称为“访客投资居留许可”),使其成为欧盟极具吸引力的全新投资居留计划。
- 向匈牙利国家银行 (MNB) 注册的房地产基金投资 25 万欧元
起始日期:2024 年 7 月 1 日。
- 在匈牙利购买价值 50 万欧元的住宅房地产
起始日期:2025 年 1 月 1 日。
- 全家可获得 10 年居留权
- 可再续签 10 年
- 无最低居住时限要求
- 可进入申根区旅行
- 可选择工作或经商
- 安全投资
2024 年起,匈牙利提供了全新黄金签证选项。投资者可获得为期 10 年的匈牙利居留权,可免签进入欧盟和申根区,轻松获得多国签证。新的居留许可还支持续签,家庭成员可以同时申请。申请时间为 2024 年 7 月 1 日起。
为什么选择 Helpers?
Helpers 是匈牙利唯一一家在商业、移民和投资服务方面拥有 20 年经验的专业机构。我们的专家团队不仅以极具竞争力的价格提供各类相关服务,还将在全部流程中提供 VIP 级别的协助与专业咨询。选择我们,就是选择放心。我们将在整个申请过程中为您保驾护航,让您及时掌握后续流程。
在全新的匈牙利黄金签证计划中,投资者可以申请所谓的“外来投资者居留许可”。与其他类型的居留许可不同,外来投资者居留许可的有效期长达 10年,且没有最低逗留要求。这意味着,即使您没有在匈牙利逗留,只要您保持投资额度,许可到期后也可续签。家庭成员也可办理签证,即您可携配偶和未成年子女一同前往。
I’m writing this review because the lawyer I spoke with before helpers (who is high up in the google search results) wanted 150 euro before he would say a word to me about my Hungarian visa issues.
By contrast, Helpers were kind, attentive and extremely fair. Anna is an excellent and sharp advocate, she helped me quickly and effectively, and I can’t recommend Helpers enough. (In retrospect, I guess I shouldn’t be so surprised to find an idealistic and capable firm when of all the names available, they chose the name Helpers.)
Helpers was dedicated to facilitating my case. There were several instances where I thought I would not succeed and I simply would have been lost in the maze of bureaucracy without them. The initial application submission assistance is convenient and relatively easier than doing it yourself, but the real value in this service is having a third party closer to the inside that is more fluent in the language and can help eliminate the inevitable confusion and complication. Rest assured Helpers can simplify and illuminate the path to success for you.
I would like to thank Ekin and Anna who helped me from the beginning to the end from company incorporation, opening a company bank account and obtaining a residence/work permit. Their communication was very positive and constructive and always solution oriented. The Helpers are very professional and when I need an opinion or ask for an update, they are very quick to respond. I can recommend them to everyone.
I had the pleasure of working with Helpers for the opening of my company and obtaining my residence permit. I am grateful for their exceptional service. From the very beginning, Tala Shalati stood out with her professionalism and in-depth knowledge of the processes involved. She guided me through every step, ensuring that I understood what was needed and that I felt supported throughout. Her attention to detail and proactive approach made what could have been a stressful experience much more manageable. I highly recommend Helpers to anyone looking to navigate these complex procedures with ease. Thank you, Tala, for making this journey smooth and successful.
What can I say? Helpers really lives up to its name! Helpers is a classy organization that helps people get their business licenses in a really stress-free laid back way. I was so pleased at how easy it was to work with them and negotiate my needs. As long as you make sure they have all the information and papers that are needed to get the job done, believe me, they GET THE JOB DONE!
I was helped out mostly by Tala, Norbert and Boti. They were all friendly professionals and genuinely kind people!
They respond to emails professionally and promptly. They help and communicate with you through every step of the process and even offer tea and coffee along the way! Really, I couldn’t stress more how convenient it is for someone who doesn’t speak the language to have this sort of help. I couldn’t recommend it more to anyone who needs it!!
申请时间为 2024 年 7 月 1 日起。由于该计划刚推出不久,确切的细节尚未明确。但目前已经可以申请为期 6 个月的外来投资者签证,这也是获得 10 年居留许可的第一阶段。
投资须至少维持 5 年。5 年后可以撤资,但如果您想在居留权到期后续签,则需要进行同一类型且同等价值的另一投资。
匈牙利居民可免签进入任何申根成员国,最多可在该国停留 90 天,且无需办理任何额外手续。
不,匈牙利黄金签证不提供公民身份。相反,该计划赋予投资者10 + 10年的匈牙利居留权。在常规入籍程序中,您需要持有永久地址至少 8 年,如果有其他因素,可能会缩短等待时间。可在此处了解更多匈牙利公民身份的相关信息。