التصنيف: Covid

Coronavirus state of emergency in Hungary over

State of emergency over in Hungary, some restrictions remain

الخميس, 18 يونيو, 2020

As of 18 June, the state of emergency in Hungary is officially cancelled. Some limitations remain, like wearing a mask in public transport and in shops, and the travel ban is still only lifted partially. Resident permits and work permits that expired during the state of emergency will expire on 2 August.

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Travel ban to Hungary lifted partially

Travel ban to Hungary lifted partially

الإثنين, 4 مايو, 2020

As of 1 May 2020, citizens of Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Slovakia, and South Korea are allowed to enter Hungary if they travel for business purposes, which must be verified upon request.

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IMF forecast for Hungary 2020 and 2021

Hungarian economy still strong according to IMF outlook

الخميس, 16 أبريل, 2020

In the latest forecast published by the IMF, Hungary is listed among the economically strongest EU member states, with the least expected GDP loss in 2020, and an impressive comeback in 2021.

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Medical Treatment Epidemic Hungary

Medical treatment during an epidemic in Hungary

الإثنين, 23 مارس, 2020

Basic services available to you during an epidemic include services that let the community prevent avoidable health risks. These include testing for the disease, medical examination, isolation, the transport of infectious disease patients, and the administration of lifesaving treatments.

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Economic relief measures 2020 covid-19 Hungary

Economic relief measures in Hungary during the COVID-19 pandemic

الجمعة, 20 مارس, 2020

The Hungarian government introduced the following economic relief measures to alleviate the burdens posed by the current COVID-19 pandemic, and make sure it is easier for everyone to get through these difficult times and pick up work once the situation clears up:

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Covid-19 epidemic Hungary

Handling the COVID-19 epidemic in Hungary

الخميس, 19 مارس, 2020

“Social distancing” is one of the most important measures to hinder the spread of the current epidemic. Many people are working from home, social events are cancelled, and customer service offices and shops are open in reduced hours.

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Remote working and social responsibility

Remote working in the Helpers office

الجمعة, 13 مارس, 2020

The Helpers Team decided to work remotely in order to do our share in protecting the health of everyone we would come in contact with during our daily work, during commuting, and at home. Please consider how you can contribute too.

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