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K&H Marathon Relay 2016

The Helpers team is full of energy. Many of us do sports regularly. We run, ride a bike, go swimming, or do exercises. Doing sports is fun and doing it together is an excellent method of team building. That’s why we participate in sporting events from time to time – like the K&H Marathon Relay this weekend.

The Helpers team is full of energy. Many of us do sports regularly. We run, ride a bike, go swimming, or do exercises. Doing sports is fun and doing it together is an excellent method of team building. That’s why we participate in sporting events from time to time – like the K&H Marathon Relay this weekend.

Why running?

Running is very popular. It is a sport really easy to start, as you need only a pair of shoes, and you can already hit the road. You can run in the city, or you can go find a green area. In Budapest, many parks have running routes with dedicated running trails like those on Margitsziget, on the Kopaszi Gát, and in the Bikás Park.

Preparations for the Marathon Relay

Just like with everything else, you need to start in small and develop through time. You cannot run a marathon without preparation – even if you are actually able to perform it, it can be really harmful for your body. It takes months of regular training to prepare for a longer run. A marathon is 42 km long, and even one section of this weekend’s marathon relay is 7 km.

The Helpers team has been preparing for the K&H Marathon Relay for month. Some of the team members run regularly anyway, and some only occasionally, so they had to do their best to get fit by the event.

Come cheer us!

Although not everyone at Helpers runs at the K&H Marathon Relay 2016, most of us will be there to cheer our colleagues. Come join us in the Városliget on Sunday! Our team starts at 10 a.m. from Ötvenhatosok tere – and they will surely do their best to finish as soon as possible. Let’s cheer all the brave runners together!



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Lunes - Viernes
09:00 - 17:00

Helpers Hungary Kft.

Budapart Gate

Dombóvári út 27.

Budapest 1117, Hungary


Cuando nos visita, venga usted al 2.o piso por la Entrada A.

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