
En un sector como el nuestro, resulta crucial conocer a la perfección las normativas y el mercado local, así como estar al día de los últimos cambios en las leyes de inmigración y actividad empresarial. Como cliente de Helpers, no perderá ninguna oportunidad ni sufrirá ningún retraso por no disponer de la información más actualizada.

Nuestra sección de noticias contiene artículos sobre los temas que más interesan a nuestros clientes, como las leyes y programas de inmigración o las novedades fiscales y empresariales. También proporciona consejos prácticos sobre la vida y los negocios en Hungría. ¡Esperamos que le resulte útil!

National Card Hungary

“National Card”: special residency benefits for several additional countries

miércoles, 10 julio, 2024

The National Card is a new type of resident permit introduced with the new immigration law in 2024. This permit was originally offered only to Serbian and Ukrainian citizens but this list has now been expanded.

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Company modification tips Hungary – Address change

Company modification tips Hungary – Address change

miércoles, 19 junio, 2024

Company modification is the official procedure through which a lawyer helps you change the core data of your Hungarian company with the Company Registry. One of the cases you need this procedure is when there is a change to the address of any of the owners and main executives.

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Company modification tips Hungary – Hiring an auditor

martes, 4 junio, 2024

Company modification is the official procedure through which a lawyer’s help you can change the core data of your Hungarian company with the Company Registry. One of the cases when you need this procedure is when your company is hiring an auditor.

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Donate 1+1% of your personal income tax in Hungary

Don’t forget to donate your 1% personal income tax

miércoles, 8 mayo, 2024

The deadline to report your personal income tax in Hungary is coming up: 21 May 2024, Tuesday. At the same time, you can also donate 1+1% of your taxes. This costs you nothing, and you can support a good cause.

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Hungarian residency options 2024

Hungarian residency options for non-EU citizens under the new immigration law

miércoles, 17 abril, 2024

As of 1 January 2024, new Hungarian residency options are available to third-country nationals living in Hungary or planning to move here.

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Helpers moves to a new office – see you in Budapart

jueves, 11 abril, 2024

After spending 10 years at the Buda Business Center, the Helpers Office is moving to Budapart, the new business district rising in the southern part of Budapest.

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When in doubt, ask the Immigration Office directly

miércoles, 3 abril, 2024

Are you worried about the new Hungarian immigration law? Are you looking for rock solid information? Not sure who to trust? You can ask the Hungarian Immigration Office directly.

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Local and EP elections Hungary 2024

Local and EP elections Hungary 2024 – Can you vote?

miércoles, 13 marzo, 2024

If you have a Hungarian address card, you might already be registered to vote at the upcoming elections. Vote and make an impact on your community.

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Tax returns in Hungary

Tax returns season coming up in Hungary

viernes, 8 marzo, 2024

Tax returns season is starting soon in Hungary. Drafts created by the Tax Authority become available next week; the deadline for submission is 21 May 2024.

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Implementation decree published for the new immigration law

Implementation decree published for the new immigration law

viernes, 1 marzo, 2024

The new immigration law of Hungary has been in force since 1 January 2024, and finally the implementation decree was also published on 29 February.

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