Hungarian student visa

16 февраля, 2018

A Hungarian student visa not only enables you to come to Hungary to enjoy the benefits of Hungarian higher education, but you can also use it to visit any of the Schengen countries while you are here in Europe.

What does the Hungarian student visa offer?

  • Residency in Hungary, an EU member state in the heart of Europe, with great infrastructure and low living costs
  • Schengen visa to visit other European countries as well while you are studying in Hungary
  • Education at any of the prestigious universities of Hungary, most of which have programs in English in engineering, medical and veterinary studies, any many other subjects

How to apply?

The Hungarian student visa is available for anyone who enrolls at a Hungarian university or college. As a result, first you should decide where you want to study, and apply for admission. Once you are admitted, you will need a few other things before you can start the Hungarian student visa procedure.

  • Decide what you want to study
  • Choose a program at a Hungarian university or college
  • Apply and enroll
  • Make sure you have the necessary funds for your stay in Hungary
  • Find a place to live
  • Get medical coverage
  • Make sure you also have everything necessary for your return to home (e.g. valid passport, plane tickets or funds reserved for them)

The application procedure itself takes only 15 days. However, to make sure it stays that short, you should take care of all the above things (and get a proof of each) before you hand in the Hungarian student visa application.

Where to start?

Since the main point of the student visa is to further your education, you should start with yourself. Decide what you want to learn, and start browsing programs based on that. You can find some of the most prominent programs here. In the meantime, you can start thinking about where you want to live (in a dorm or in a rental flat), how you want to get medical coverage, and how much money you need for the whole venture.

If you need help in either of the above, many universities offer information at their admission offices.

Can I stay in Hungary once my education is over?

With the Hungarian student visa, you can stay in Hungary only during the term of the higher education program you enrolled in. However, you CAN stay in Hungary if you convert your visa in another type, e.g. if you find employment and apply for Hungarian residency with a work permit.

Please note: Helpers no longer provides stand-alone student visa application assistance. If you need help, contact your university for guidance, since many universities offer information at their admission offices.


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  • Это поле используется для проверочных целей, его следует оставить без изменений.
Lost Hungarian residence permit
What do I do if I lose my Hungarian residence permit?

If your Hungarian residence permit is lost, damaged, or destroyed, you must notify the Immigration Office and ask for a replacement. If you are not in Hungary, the local Hungarian consulate can assist you. Lost, damaged, destroyed, or stolen residence

Can my child sign their Hungarian residency application?
Can my child sign their Hungarian residency application?

Children are not fully legally competent. They cannot make certain decisions for themselves, and as a result, they cannot sign documents: you, their parent must take action on their behalf.

