Месяц: Март 2022

New restrictions on temporary protection for those fleeing Ukraine

Новые ограничения временной защиты для тех, кто бежит из Украины

Среда, 9 марта, 2022

Граждане третьих стран, проживавшие в Украине, больше не будут иметь права на временную защиту в Венгрии, но могут подать заявление на получение 30-дневного временного вида на жительство.

Residency options for Ukrainians in Hungary

Residency options for Ukrainians and other nationals coming from Ukraine to Hungary

Среда, 9 марта, 2022

If you are coming from Ukraine to Hungary because of the war, you are eligible for temporary protection, whether you are a citizen or a resident of Ukraine. However, if you intend to stay, you might want to consider other residency options in Hungary.

Pandemic related regulations in Hungary March 2022

March updates on pandemic related regulations in Hungary

Пятница, 4 марта, 2022

As the fifth wave of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic seems to be passing, restrictions are again relaxed starting from next week. Most importantly, wearing a mask will be no longer required, while employers’ right to demand vaccination is being revoked.

