Registered seat upgrade in Hungary with Helpers
What do you get at your registered seat? How fast and reliable is mail forwarding? Do you get actionable, English summaries of important messages? Upgrade your registered seat to a virtual office with Helpers and focus your resources on growing your business.
What do you get at your registered seat? How fast and reliable is mail forwarding? Do you get actionable, English summaries of important messages? Upgrade your registered seat to a virtual office with Helpers and focus your resources on growing your business.
Mail forwarding at your registered seat
In Hungary, every company is required to have a registered seat. This is where authorities expect to find you, so messages sent here are considered delivered. Many of these messages arrive as registered mail, so they cannot be put in a mailbox but must be received by a person; as a result, you need personnel ready to sign for mail at your registered seat during working hours. Moreover, these messages are often time sensitive, which makes it essential that they are also forwarded to the right person and they are acted upon as soon as possible.
In line with this, the most crucial element of any registered seat service is how they handle mail forwarding. To avoid hefty fines because of not reacting to messages in time, you need a reliable provider who forwards you letters in short order.
Ask yourself: How regularly do you get mail? Do you have to go somewhere in person to pick up mail? Do you receive notifications of incoming mail? Do you receive scans? Or summaries?
Registered seat vs. virtual office
While a registered seat can simply mean just that: an address where your Hungarian company is registered, the virtual office service is an advanced type of registered seat service where you also get comprehensive mail forwarding. The letters that arrive at your registered seat provider are opened, scanned, and forwarded to you and/or your accountant every business day, with as little delay as possible.
- When a letter is relevant to your accountant, they can get it directly, so you do not have to worry about its content at all.
- When a letter requires action on your part, you also get a short English summary with instructions about how to proceed.
The official mail sent to your registered seat comprises mostly of long letters in Hungarian legalese. If you do not speak Hungarian, it makes sense to have someone read the letter and decide whether it concerns the accountant or the managing director. This way you do not have to waste time on messages that do not concern you, and you can focus on growing your business.
Dedicated staff for the fraction of the cost
When you choose the virtual office from Helpers, you get exactly that: an assistant will review incoming mail for you. You get every letter that is relevant to you, complete with an English summary, within 3 days of receipt the latest. When your company gets a letter that is relevant only to your accountant, you can rest assured that they get it on time, without your involvement. You gain time to concentrate on what you do best AND personnel to handle your mail, without employing an assistant of your own.
The virtual office is beneficial not only to newly incorporated companies. There the benefits are obvious: it makes sense not to hire someone full-time just to open letters before the actual operation starts. However, a virtual office can save you time and money even when your operation is on full throttle. When you have some functions outsourced, your employees can focus on tasks that require more specialized skills.
Seat upgrade with the Helpers Team
Do you have all the above at your current registered seat provider? If not, this might be the time to upgrade your registered seat with the Helpers Team, with 15+ years of experience and hundreds of satisfied clients.
Make the switch now, and you get:
- Central Budapest seat address
- Reliable and prompt mail forwarding
- Professional English summaries
- No transfer fee
That’s right: no transfer fee. Changing your registered seat means you need company modification: a legal procedure where a lawyer must update your company data with the Court of Registration for a fee. If you choose our virtual office service, we take care of the company modification and all legalities free of charge.
To make your life even easier, we charge a yearly fee instead of charging monthly. This way you get continuous service for an entire year without worrying about payment deadlines each month.
Got you interested? Check out our offer and send us an enquiry now.
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9:00 - 17:00
Helpers Hungary Kft.
Budapart Gate
Dombóvári út 27
Budapest 1117, Hungary
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