Месяц: Февраль 2024

Henley Passport Index 2024 Hungary

Henley Passport Index 2024: Hungarian passport 7th best in world

Среда, 28 февраля, 2024

In 2024, Hungary ranks again among the Top 10 on the Henley Passport Index that lists the most desired passports around the world.

Property search for the Hungarian golden visa

Начните просматривать недвижимость для получения золотой визы в Венгрию сейчас

Среда, 21 февраля, 2024

Срок подачи документов на венгерскую золотую визу начинается только в июле 2024 года, но уже сейчас вы можете и должны начать поиск недвижимости.

Guest investor visa and guest investor residency in Hungary

Guest investor visa and guest investor residency in Hungary

Среда, 14 февраля, 2024

While the new Hungarian investment immigration program is simply referred to as a “golden visa” program, there is a difference between guest investor visa and guest investor residency.

Hungarian citizenship for golden visa investors

Hungarian citizenship for golden visa investors

Среда, 7 февраля, 2024

While Hungarian citizenship is not part of the golden visa program, there is no rule that would prevent application through the regular channel.

Hungarian golden visa details

Investment options in the Hungarian Golden Visa program

Понедельник, 5 февраля, 2024

The Hungarian golden visa program will offer three options to investors who wish to obtain 10-year EU residency for themselves and their immediate family members. While not every detail is defined just yet, we already know much.

