miércoles, 15 abril, 2015
Helpers Hungary offers full service connected to company set-up. After forming a new company, you may find it difficult to find quality employees. Thanks to our extensive network of professionals, we might already know your future employee!
Leer másmiércoles, 15 abril, 2015
In case you want to relocate to Hungary, there are several ways of obtaining a Hungarian resident permit. One is to find a job which requires your full-time presence in Hungary – then you can base your residency application on your employment.
Leer máslunes, 13 abril, 2015
In our globalized age, international business often requires businessmen to travel around the world, often on short notice, in order to ensure they won’t miss a chance for a good deal.
Leer másviernes, 10 abril, 2015
The bloggers at Best of Budapest love to roam the streets of the city and by now they really know Budapest by heart. Now, in order to soothe their readers’ hunger for more English-language articles,they have partnered with Helpers Hungary.
Leer másjueves, 9 abril, 2015
Desde 2012, Hungría ha venido desarrollado un programa con el que hombres de negocios que desean establecerse en Europa pueden obtener el Permiso de residencia permanente húngaro a través de una inversión de 300.000 EUR en bonos del gobierno de Hungrí
Leer másmiércoles, 8 abril, 2015
Desde 2012, a Hungria foi desenvolvido um programa no que os empresários que querem se estabelecer na Europa podem obter autorização de residência permanente húngaro através de um investimento de 250 mil euros em títulos do governo húngaro, muitas veze
Leer másmartes, 7 abril, 2015
The immigrant investor programs available in Europe offer either citizenship or permanent resident permits to businessmen, enabling them to travel without any delays in the Schengen visa zone.
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