Mes: febrero 2018

European student visa

martes, 20 febrero, 2018

There are many ways to get EU residency that grants you free travel in the Schengen zone. A European student visa is just one of the options, but if you are eager to learn, that’s a great opportunity to set your foot in the door of Europe.

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Hungarian student visa

viernes, 16 febrero, 2018

With a Hungarian student visa, not only you can come to Hungary to enjoy the benefits of Hungarian higher education, but you can also use it to visit any of the Schengen countries while you are here in Europe.

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How many company bank accounts do I need in Hungary?

lunes, 12 febrero, 2018

Depending on the nature of their business, we usually suggest that our clients open 2 or 3 bank accounts for their Hungarian companies at a local bank: HUF, EUR, and USD, different currencies for partners from different markets.

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Chinese investors interested in Hungarian real estate

martes, 6 febrero, 2018

Are you are planning to make a real estate investment in Hungary as a non-EU investor? Then consider complementing your investment with setting up a Hungarian company and applying for Hungarian residency.

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The Hungarian passport is the 10th strongest in the world

jueves, 1 febrero, 2018

Henley and Partners, a global leader in residence and citizenship planning, each year analyzes passport strength around the world. They count how many countries you can access visa-free if you hold a given passport, and rank passports accordingly.

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