Categoría: Ciudadanía

Hungarian Citizen through your heritage

Torne-se cidadão húngaro com a sua descendência

miércoles, 7 marzo, 2018

Os seus pais, avós ou outros antepassados são húngaros? Gostaria de se tornar cidadão de um Estado-Membro da União Europeia com excelentes infraestruturas e uma cultura de 1000 anos situado no coração da Europa?

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Hungarian Citizen through your heritage

Solicite la ciudadanía húngara por descendencia

jueves, 1 marzo, 2018

¿Sus padres o sus abuelos proceden de Hungría, o tiene algún antepasado húngaro? ¿Le gustaría ser ciudadano de un país miembro de la UE, dotado de excelentes infraestructuras y de una cultura milenaria, y situado en pleno corazón de Europa?

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The Hungarian passport is the 10th strongest in the world

jueves, 1 febrero, 2018

Henley and Partners, a global leader in residence and citizenship planning, each year analyzes passport strength around the world. They count how many countries you can access visa-free if you hold a given passport, and rank passports accordingly.

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When do you need a Hungarian residence permit or a work permit?

Residence Permit vs. Work Permit: Understanding the Difference

jueves, 3 noviembre, 2016

Hungary is extremely welcoming to newcomers, but it is important to follow all of the regulations to the letter. Depending on the circumstances of your immigration, you might need a residence permit, a work permit, or both.

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The basics of the Hungarian citizenship procedure

miércoles, 27 julio, 2016

If you want to apply for Hungarian citizenship, you need to check several things before you can start the citizenship procedure. These include checking the regulations in your country of origin as well as meeting some conditions that make you eligible for Hungarian citizenship.

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Hungarian Permanent Residency program even more attractive from July 2016

El programa de residencia permanente de Hungría, más atractivo que nunca

jueves, 30 junio, 2016

Tal vez sepa que el programa de bonos de residencia de Hungría es uno de los programas de residencia por inversión más atractivos de Europa. Las recientes modificaciones legislativas aprobadas por el parlamento húngaro ofrecen ventajas adicionales para los inversores.

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Learn more about the benefits of Hungarian citizenship

The Benefits of Hungarian citizenship

viernes, 12 febrero, 2016

Hungarian citizenship offers more possibilities than you could imagine. Live or work anywhere in the EU or the EFTA, visit any country in the world easily, either without a visa or with simplified visa application procedure.

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What is the difference between EU citizenship and European citizenship

What you need to know about EU citizenship

jueves, 28 enero, 2016

The so called “EU citizenship” in fact means citizenship of any of the member states of the EU. British citizenship means EU citizenship just as much as German citizenship or Bulgarian citizenship – or Hungarian citizenship, for that matter.

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Immigration Services - Hungary

Expedited citizenship for investors in Hungary

lunes, 13 abril, 2015

In our globalized age, international business often requires businessmen to travel around the world, often on short notice, in order to ensure they won’t miss a chance for a good deal.

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