Categoría: Recursos humanos

payroll taxes in 2021

Salaries and payroll taxes in 2021, Hungary

lunes, 1 febrero, 2021

As of 1 February 2021, the minimum wage is raised to gross HUF 167,400, and the guaranteed minimum salary to gross HUF 219,000. Learn how this affects your company costs.

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Bank holidays in Hungary in 2021

Bank holidays in 2021 Hungary

martes, 8 diciembre, 2020

If you operate a business in Hungary and you have employees working for you, you must know about Hungarian bank holidays to better plan work loads, budget for wage supplements, and make informed business decisions.

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Business etiquette Hungary

Business etiquette for foreigners in Hungary

lunes, 28 septiembre, 2020

If you want to build lasting and fruitful business relationships locally, you should get familiar with basic business etiquette in Hungary. Show your respect towards your partners by being well-dressed, punctual, and polite.

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Payroll taxes and contributions reduced in Hungary

Payroll taxes and contributions reduced in Hungary during the pandemic

lunes, 11 mayo, 2020

Part of the economic relief measures in Hungary due to the coronavirus pandemic, some payroll taxes are reduced to help retain employees and heighten job security. The structure of fringe benefits and healthcare contributions also changes.

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Minimum wage and salaries in Hungary in 2020

Salaries and payroll taxes in 2020, Hungary

martes, 14 enero, 2020

2020 has just started, and the new regulation for Hungarian payroll taxes and salaries are in. The most significant change is the increase of the minimum wage.

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Bank holidays in 2020 Hungary

Bank holidays in Hungary in 2020

lunes, 4 noviembre, 2019

In 2020, many bank holidays fall on weekends. However, Sundays that are bank holidays are different from regular Sundays. On bank holiday Sundays, shops are typically closed, and if you need employees to work, different wage supplements will apply.

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Working time in Hungary

Working time in Hungary

martes, 13 agosto, 2019

Working time refers to the time your employee spends working for your company. In Hungary, working hours are limited to 40 hours a week. However, the distribution of those working hours might vary.

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Labor Law and Employment in Hungary

Employment and labor law in Hungary

martes, 18 junio, 2019

While you have great freedom in what tasks to assign to your employees, you should get familiar with the most important aspects of the labor law before making your first hire at your Hungarian company.

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what to ask from candidates at a job interview

How to prepare for a job interview – as a managing director?

viernes, 24 mayo, 2019

We post the job ad on the most popular platforms, and filter candidates for you, so you only have to spend time with the most promising candidates. But what to ask from candidates at the interview? Let us share with you a few tips regarding what to expect from strong candidates.

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Bank holidays in Hungary in 2019

lunes, 7 enero, 2019

In 2019, many bank holidays will be on a Wednesday, in the middle of the week. At the same time, if the holiday falls on any other day, Hungarian people usually prefer to have long weekends in exchange for a Saturday that would otherwise be a rest day.

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