Categoría: Caridad

Donate 1+1% of your personal income tax in Hungary

Don’t forget to donate your 1% personal income tax

miércoles, 8 mayo, 2024

The deadline to report your personal income tax in Hungary is coming up: 21 May 2024, Tuesday. At the same time, you can also donate 1+1% of your taxes. This costs you nothing, and you can support a good cause.

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donate one per cent of your Hungarian personal income tax

What are all those 1% billboards about?

miércoles, 26 abril, 2023

Wherever you go in Hungary these days, you will see billboards asking for your 1%. But what do they mean? Well, they are asking you donate 1% of your personal income tax, which you can do now that the tax returns season is coming up. And how does that work?

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Holidays and Christmas charity at Helpers Hungary 2022

Holidays and Christmas charity at Helpers 2022

miércoles, 21 diciembre, 2022

Helpers is closing for the holidays. Our last working day is 23 December, and we open again on 2 January. In our Christmas charity project, we have donated to various NGOs selected by our staff.

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Christmas charity at Helpers Hungary

Holidays and Christmas charity at Helpers

domingo, 20 diciembre, 2020

Helpers is closing for the holidays. Our last working day is 23 December, and we open again on 4 January. In our Christmas charity project, we have donated to various NGOs selected by our staff.

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Christmas charity: support the Noah’s Ark Animal Shelter with Helpers

jueves, 14 diciembre, 2017

The main work of the animal shelter consists of rescuing and providing medical treatment for animals which were abandoned, had an accident and were left on the road, are injured or harmed by any means.

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The charity run team of Helpers and BAGázs

Helpers charity run – completed!

viernes, 11 diciembre, 2015

The Helpers team took on the challenge of the Santa Claus Day running competition on Margaret Island on December 6 for charity – and for the fun of it!

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Helpers charity run for the blind and visually impaired – Come join us!

lunes, 30 noviembre, 2015

Helping those in need of help is one of the core values at Helpers. Now we are running around the Margaret Island in Budapest with the LÁSS association and BAGázs. Come join us!

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HELPERS team - Immigration and Business services in Hungary

HELPERS Team Raises Funds for Blind and Disabled Athletes

jueves, 25 septiembre, 2014

We at Helpers love challenges. This time, in cooperation with SUHANJ! – Achilles Hungary, we tackled a challenge that took us out of our comfort zones, raising funds for two blind runners and a wheelchair athlete from Hungary who will compete in this year’s New York Marathon.

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