Investment citizenship in Georgia

May 26, 2017

Many countries offer investment immigration programs to international businessman who wish to relocate with their family, ease the way for their business, or just want to enjoy the advantages of their new passport and travel visa-free in the region. Now Georgia will offer an investment citizenship program.

Georgian citizenship program

Starting from summer 2017, Georgia will offer citizenship to investors. With your Georgian passport, you will be able to travel to all Schengen countries visa-free, even though Georgia is not yet a member of the European Union or the Schengen zone. Georgia lies on the east coast of the Black Sea, and its developing economy offers plenty of business opportunities.

Citizenship: swift and simple

The main element of the Georgian citizenship program is a EUR 350,000 non-refundable donation to be made to the Georgian treasury. This makes you eligible for citizenship application. Not only you will be able to apply, but also your spouse and children under 26. The number of applicants does not change the donation sum: it remains the same whether you apply alone, with your spouse, or with all your sons and daughters. After the donation is made, the application takes no more than one month.

Introductory promotion

To introduce the program, for the first few months Georgian investment citizenship will be offered in exchange for a donation as low as EUR 250,000. The promotion will be available for a limited period, so make sure to start the procedure in time!

For now, no exact details are available. Watch the HELPERS blog for updates, or ask our colleagues to keep you posted on the new developments.

If you want to know more about Georgia, the Georgian investment citizenship program, and the opportunities it offers, check out Georgia at, the comprehensive database of investment immigration programs around the world.

UPDATE: The Georgian Citizenship Program is now live! For a limited time, the amount of the donation to be made is only EUR 250K. Make sure you take advantage of the promotional period, and apply today!

UPDATE 2: The new cost of the program is EUR 300K, with the promotional donation only EUR 200K.

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