Client testimonial

A highly credible company that helped me with all of the necessary procedures, papers, and legal work to establish a company in Hungary and open a massage salon, as well as obtain Hungarian residency. I recommend HELPERS to everyone!

Amr El Daly Paradise Massage Kft


Can my child sign their Hungarian residency application?

Children are not fully legally competent. They cannot make certain decisions for themselves, and as a result, they cannot sign documents: you, their parent must take action on their behalf.

Don’t forget to donate your 1% personal income tax

The deadline to report your personal income tax in Hungary is coming up: 21 May 2024, Tuesday. At the same time, you can also donate 1+1% of your taxes. This costs you nothing, and you can support a good cause.

Useful Tips

Hungary offers one of the fastest and cheapest solutions for business immigration to Europe. If you run an international business that needs a European base – and you need to spend a lot of time in Europe as a result – Hungary is a great option for you.

Business immigration in Hungary

Hungary offers temporary and permanent residence permits to business owners who take an active role in their company as directors. To start the business immigration procedure, we need to set up a Hungarian company, prepare a business plan, and ensure that all requirements for the company’s successful operation are met. Once the director has his permit, the spouse and children can also apply for family unification and come to Europe. This program is available to all nationalities.

Doing business in Hungary

In order to be eligible for this program, you need to start and operate a Hungarian company. This is quite easy to do, however, because Hungary offers a very favorable business environment, with a low corporate tax (9%), cheap and convenient company formation, a central location in Europe and within the Schengen zone, and relatively low living and operating costs. If you wish to start a business in Hungary or move some of your existing business activity to Europe, we can assist you in writing a business plan that will satisfy the residency requirements and also help you realize your business goals.

Business visas

To start this procedure, you will have to travel to Hungary at least briefly, to open a bank account for your new Hungarian company. If you already hold a Schengen visa for Europe, you can use that to enter Hungary – alternatively, we can help you acquire a short-term business visa for this purpose.

The benefits of a Hungarian residence permit

By acquiring residency in Hungary through business ownership, you and your family will be able to travel freely to and within the Schengen zone, and take advantage of Hungary’s low living costs, favorable business environment and central European location. Schedule a meeting with one of our business and immigration experts to discuss these benefits and the best procedure for you and your family!


Business immigration: residence permit through company formation

Choose the package that best suits your business goals and plans in Hungary. All of our packages include everything that is compulsory, with no hidden fees or extras.

Starter: EUR 4,490 (+VAT if applicable)


  • company incorporation (incl. bank account assistance, VAT registration)
  • registered office and mail forwarding / processing for one year
  • business plan for the purposes of residency application
  • tax number and social security number for the applicant (company director)
  • residency application (consulting and paperwork assistance)
  • invitation letter (issued by our company)

Basic: EUR 5,690 (+VAT if applicable)

In addition to everything in the Starter package, you get the following:

  • accountancy for the first 6 months – Complete with handling up to 3 currency accounts, issuing up to 20 invoices per month, and doing payroll for up to 2 employees.

Advanced: EUR 7,190 (+VAT if applicable)

In addition to everything in the Basic package, you get the following:

  • family unification – Residence permit not only for the CEO but also for 2 family members (it can include spouse and underage children)

Premium: EUR 10,990 (+VAT if applicable)

In addition to everything in the Advanced package, you get the following:

  • family unification – Residence permit not only for the CEO but also for their spouse and all underage children.
  • business launch support – Customized assistance with starting your operation in a new country, building connections, getting a better grip on the landscape, and finding what you need.

Click here to see our brochure with a comparison table.

Additional related services:

  • family unification residence permit: EUR 1,000 (+VAT) / person (+the actual translation cost)
  • work permit for additional directors/staff: from EUR 1,300 (+VAT) / person (+the actual translation cost)
  • VIP client visits with a designated driver/personal assistant: from EUR 250 (+VAT)/day

Residency Renewal

  • Residency Renewal Package for main applicant (if the previous application was done by Helpers): EUR 2,500 (+VAT), with business plan update included
  • Residency Renewal Package for main applicant (if the previous application was NOT done by Helpers): EUR 3,000 (+VAT), with business plan update included
  • Residency Renewal for family members: EUR 1,000 (+VAT) / person

Please contact us to receive a comprehensive price quote!


It offers you a space where you can spend time on your own or with your clients. This will also contribute to the Hungarian bank account opening procedure, since it proves to the bank that you are committed to operating a viable company in the local market.

Hungary is part of Europe’s Schengen zone, providing easy and document-free access to numerous European nations. The cost of living in Hungary is much lower than is true in most of Europe, and a business-friendly economic climate has led to a boom, especially in the nation’s major cities. Clean and efficient, modern Hungary is an excellent place to start a business and raise a family.

No; it is understood that you are a businessperson and may need to travel a lot, especially if you have businesses elsewhere. However, bear in mind that the company’s activities or the proposals made in the business plan may require you to visit Hungary frequently or to spend significant amounts of time here. Please discuss this with us, in order to avoid jeopardizing your chances of renewal.

For a full list of frequently asked questions about business immigration and doing business in Hungary, please click here!

Unlike in some other countries, in Hungary owning property in itself does not qualify you for residency since in the application process we have to show that you have some regular activity (business, employment or other) in Hungary, so you should be in or travel to Hungary regularly in order to perform this activity. If you wish to invest in property and get residency, the best option is to set up a company for property management and buy the property through this company.

One director per company can get residency without a work permit if he/she has an active role in the running of the company and has the required qualifications/experience. The other directors will need a work permit to become employed with the company OR the company must have at least three Hungarian employees per additional director.

The average salary in Budapest is around EUR 500-600 net per month; however, as a foreigner you cannot expect to live on this amount because you also need to consider the cost of rental and starting expenses. Realistically, you should calculate a minimum of EUR 300 per person for accommodation and utilities, and another EUR 600-800/person for living expenses.

The invitation letter is part of the package if you order our services. Since it must describe the business relationship between you and Helpers, we can only provide it as an item of a full service, and we cannot provide it individually.

Ask for a Quote

Since every business is different, please contact me to discuss your business and immigration plans, so we can design the best solution and procedure for you!

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