December 5, 2012

* Invest EUR 250K into state bonds or stock *

* Get permanent residency in two weeks *

* Get long-term visas for your family *

Live and travel freely in the EU! Please read our summary below, and click for the full texts of the amendment to Hungary’s immigration law and the governmental decree on the issue of the special bonds for this program.

Hungary is considered a favorable destination within the EU for non-EU nationals wishing to acquire residency and eventually citizenship, as businesspeople with a viable business plan, stable income, and good local market knowledge can get a resident permit in the country relatively easily. At present, this option, along with all other requirements for business (such as banking), is open to all nationalities.

An important new development is expected to take shape in the coming weeks: the Hungarian government has recently passed a law offering a fast-track procedure for permanent residency for non-EU nationals willing to purchase EUR 250K worth of government bonds or stocks of select state-owned corporations. The investment requirement can be fulfilled by the individual applying for the permit, or by a company in which he/she is a majority owner. These government bonds and stocks are considered low-risk and will come with a guaranteed return, although naturally investors should consult a finance expert before purchase.

We are happy to assist with detailed information, as well as taxation and investment advice. Investors fulfilling these criteria will get preferential treatment, meaning that they can get permanent residency immediately (waiving the requirement for three years’ continuous stay in the country) and will not be required to participate in the application process in person (so, for example, Helpers will be able to handle the entire application process for such clients via power of attorney). If you or one of your associates is interested in investigating this option, please write to or click here for details. Please also keep in mind that this is not the only option for getting residency in Hungary through business ownership, so feel free to ask us for advice on the best and most cost-effective procedure for you.

UPDATE: with 1 January 2015, the face value of the investment has been increased to EUR 300K.

UPDATE November 2023: A new Hungarian investment residency program has just been announced to replace the old scheme. Click here to learn more.

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Hungarian Golden Visa Program FAQ

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