Helpers Picks
You have probably read a lot about Hungary’s favourable business environment and great infrastructure, but no business stay should be complete without enjoying all that this beautiful and diverse city has to offer. But finding true gems in a new city takes time, effort, and, inevitably, a few run-ins with rip-offs and generic tourist traps.
The best of Budapest
In our Helpers Picks brochure, we give you insider tips and the favourite hangouts of our international staff. The list includes restaurants, cafes, spas and gift shops. Some are traditional, some modern. Some are Hungarian, some international. They are all tried, tested and loved by Helpers staff. In fact, we regularly go to these places for private and company events. Several of the ventures are run by our customers. This adds an extra bit of pride to the experience, knowing we had a part of making it happen.
Helpers Business Club benefits
We also indicate the places where you can enjoy benefits offered by your Helpers Business Club membership. Of course, in such a lively city as Budapest, cool new places open constantly, and we keep adding the worthwhile ones to our list. You can find the newest brochure on the bottom of the HBC page:
Topical guides
We also put together a few special topical guides for our customers. We tell you where to find the best halal food in Budapest in this post. There is also a large Russian community in Hungary. You can find our recommendations for restaurants and cultural events here. Finally, check out our list of some famous baths and spas here.
Contact us today
Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm CET
Helpers Hungary Kft
Budapart Gate
Dombóvári út 27
Budapest 1117, Hungary
If you’re visiting us, please use entrance A and come to the 2nd floor.