What is the DÁP app? New form of gateway introduced to electronic administration in Hungary
Starting from 16 January 2025, the old Ügyfélkapu system will no longer function as an access to government portals in Hungary. Instead, you should switch either to Ügyfélkapu+ or the DÁP app to access electronic administration.
Starting from 16 January 2025, the old Ügyfélkapu system will no longer function as an access to government portals in Hungary. Instead, you should switch either to Ügyfélkapu+ or the DÁP app to access electronic administration.
Last updated on January 16, 2025.
Table of contents
- Ügyfélkapu, Ügyfélkapu+, and DÁP
- Ügyfélkapu is phased out in January 2025
- The benefits of using DÁP
- How to register for the DÁP app in Hungary?
Ügyfélkapu, Ügyfélkapu+, and DÁP
Ügyfélkapu, often referred to the “Client Gate” in English, is the point of entry where users can access electronic administration in Hungary. Thanks to it, you need just one login name and password to access the otherwise separate portals of most government-run institutions, such as the Tax Authority or the Health Insurance Fund. You can read more about it here.
Ügyfélkapu+ was introduced in June 2022 to offer the same access with enhanced security. Beside a login name and a password, you need an additional tool for 2-factor authentication to access the same portals (this normally means an additional app on your smart phone – although starting from 14 January, email codes have been available too). You can read more about it here.
DÁP is an acronym for Digital Citizenship (“digitális állampolgárság” in Hungarian, pronounced /daap/), and it offers the same access to government facilities through a dedicated smart phone app rather than any app for managing 2FA. It also offers various additional features, with more and more being rolled out gradually.
UPDATE: Please note that DÁP is available only to people who have or are eligible for a Hungarian address card. This means that only Hungarian citizens, permanent residents, EU citizens registered in Hungary, refugees and people under protection can currently register for DÁP and the services it offers.
Ügyfélkapu is phased out in January 2025
If you currently use the simple Ügyfélkapu to take care of electronic administration in Hungary, make sure to register for either Ügyfélkapu+ or DÁP by January 15. Starting from January 16, the old Ügyfélkapu system will no longer be available, and you will need to visit a government office to re-enable electronic access to your government-stored data.
This is to ensure that your data managed by Hungarian governmental institutions are stored and managed in a secure way, because the old Ügyfélkapu system no longer meets EU security requirements.
Registering for Ügyfélkapu+ takes just a few clicks online, even if it requires that you learn to use a 2FA app on your phone (in case you do not have one yet). You can take care of it on your own. Read our description here.
Registering for DÁP is possible online and at government offices. Read on to learn how to take care of it. You can download the DÁP app from the AppStore or from Google Play here.
Please note: online DÁP registration is not available to everyone. You will need the right type of Hungarian ID card and the right type of smart phone. Check first if you are eligible. If you cannot register online, you can still register for Ügyfélkapu+ in a few minutes now, and go to a government office later.
The benefits of using DÁP
The greatest benefit of the DÁP app is that besides serving as an access tool to electronic administration in Hungary, it offers various other services, with more to be rolled out gradually.
DÁP functions available right now:
- Acceptable instead of a Hungarian ID card
- Easy request feature for a certificate of good conduct
- Digital signature (being rolled out right now): replacing the AVDH tool that was available online up till now
DÁP functions to be rolled out in the near future:
- Q1 2025: registration made even easier
- Q3 2025: QR login with non-governmental providers, e.g. banks, utility providers
- Q3 2025: electronic signature to be accepted by other, non-governmental providers
- Q4 2024: vehicle sale/purchase agreements
- Q4 2024: replacing other physical documents (pilot)
- Q4 2024: proof of eligibility with non-governmental providers (like age or other factors that make you eligible for discounts)
How to register for the DÁP app in Hungary?
To make registration easier, you can follow instructions in this video tutorial. Unfortunately, it is only available only in Hungarian and with Hungarian subtitles for now. The below information covers and complements the content of the video.
For DÁP registration, you must:
- be at least 14 years old
- have a valid ID document (Hungarian ID card or driver’s license, or your passport and residence permit)
- have a smart phone that is modern enough
- have a Hungarian mobile phone number (not necessarily your own, may be of a trusted friend or family member)
Where do you register?
You can take care of DÁP registration either online or at any government office. You may choose to do the registration online on your own only if you have a Hungarian ID card that was issued after 23 June 2021. Otherwise you need to visit a government office.
DÁP registration at a government office
If you do not have a new Hungarian ID card, you will need to register for DÁP in person at a government office. The procedure is simple enough, just take the following steps:
- Make an appointment for DÁP registration
- Download the application to your phone in advance
- Take your ID document with you (for most third-country nationals, this will mean the passport and the residence permit)
- Make sure you have data on your phone in case there is no Wi-Fi at the government office
Once at the office, the administrator will walk you through the registration.
DÁP registration online
Online registration will be available to you only if you have a Hungarian ID card that was issued after 23 June 2021. This means that your card is an electronic ID card or e-ID card, which offers enhanced functions.
Before getting started with DÁP, you should check if you have the right type of ID card, and if it is “active”. If it is not active, you can activate it yourself (or go to the government office to take care of this too). For this, you will need to download the eSzemélyiM app (“my e-ID”) to your phone.
- Download the eSzemélyiM app
- Choose the eAzonosítás function from the menu
- Hold the card close to your phone and let the NFC scan the card
- A message will show if your card is active or not
- If it is not active (“Nincs aktiválva”), press the big green button (“Aktiválás”) to activate it
- Type your 5-digit activation pin code that you received with your ID card and set a new (6 digit) pin.
Once you have an activated e-ID card, you can proceed to work on your DÁP registration.
- Download the DÁP app
- Click “Regisztráció megkezdése” to start the registration process
- Confirm that you are over 14
- Confirm that you have read the Terms & Conditions
- Click Next (“Tovább”, the big blue button)
- Set up a new 6-digit pincode for accessing the DÁP app (make it different from your e-ID pin code)
- On the next screen called “Regisztrálj egyszerűen” (Easy registration), you can choose whether you want to take care of registration at a government office or online. Choose the second option for online registration.
- Now you will need to identify yourself with your ID card. Use the phone camera to read the back side of your ID card (you will need to allow camera use for this; for best results, put the ID card sideways). Then enter the pin code of the ID card (the same you set up during activation). Once ready, scan the ID card with the NFC reader of your phone. This may take a few moments, or you might need to retry it to find the right position.
- After successful identification, you need to enter some additional pieces of information.
- Enter your birth date.
- Enter your e-mail address. You will receive a verification link.
- Check your inbox and confirm your e-mail address.
- Enter your Hungarian mobile phone number (preferably the number of the phone you are using, but it can be the phone number of a trusted friend or family member as well).
- You will get a text message to this number. Enter the verification code into the DÁP app.
Enjoy the benefits
And you are done! From now on, you can use the DÁP app to log in to various government portals. Just select DÁP on the login screen, and scan the QR code with the DÁP application. Then you can take care of electronic administration the same as before. You can also use the DÁP app independently, for more and more functions as 2025 goes by.
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The Helpers Team offers tailored business and immigration solutions to foreigners living, working, and doing business in Hungary. Whether you read or blog or purchase our services, we aim to ensure a smooth and hassle-free experience while you navigate Hungarian administration.
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