The “Client Gate”: your gateway to Hungarian electronic administration
“Ügyfélkapu”, literally translated as the “Client Gate” in Hungary, is a portal maintained by the central government, through which you have access to electronic administration.
“Ügyfélkapu”, literally translated as the “Client Gate” in Hungary, is a portal maintained by the central government, through which you have access to electronic administration.
Last updated on March 4, 2024.
What can you do through the Client Gate?
The “Ügyfélkapu” is a Gateway to e-Government, through which you as a private individual can send messages directly to authorities, you can submit your personal tax reports, or you can make appointments at local government offices to take care of issues related to your work permit, residency, address card, or social security. Each user has an inbox as well where you can receive and view messages from the authorities – messages are not sent directly to your email to ensure security of your data.
This is also your access point to the Company Gate (the “Cégkapu” in Hungarian), where you can handle issues related to your Hungarian company. This is an e-Government portal very similar to the Client Gate, but it is used by companies and relevant personnel (e.g. managing director, accountant). This is where official electronic messages are sent to your company (similar to how your registered seat works), and where your accountant must submit reports to the tax authority. As a result, it is essential that you have access to the Company Gate, and in turn, to the Client Gate.
How can you register?
Any person can get access to the e-Government portal for private individuals: not only Hungarian citizens but also other nationals. You can get a user account at any local government office in Hungary, or at the foreign embassies or consulates of Hungary. If you are a Hungarian citizen, you will only need your Hungarian ID card; if you are a citizen of an EEA country, you will need either your EEA ID card or your passport; if you are a citizen of another country, you will need your passport.
Click here to make an appointment for registration at a Hungarian government office (or “kormányablak”). You will get to a screen where you first need to select your case. For “Ügycsoport”, you need the last but one: “Ügyfélkapu, E-ügyintézés”. Then the “Ügy” should be “Ügyfélkapu regisztráció”. Next you select the location (your preferred government office), first by county, then by address. You should also indicate a date range you prefer, and provide your contact data. The next screen will show you available appointments at the locations you have selected.
When you are registering for the Client Gate, you will be asked to show your ID document and provide an email address where you can receive notifications from the platform. You will be required to select a username, and a password will be generated for you. After registration, you must activate your user account within 5 days and change the original password, otherwise your account will be deleted.
Please note: starting from 2022, two-factor authentication is available for the Client Gate, which offers improved protection to your personal data. This is called Ügyfélkapu+. Read more about 2FA for the Client Gate here.
Please note: as of January 16, 2025, simple Ügyfélkapu login was abolished. You can access electronic administration in Hungary via Ügyfélkapu+ or the new DÁP app.
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Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm CET
Helpers Hungary Kft
Budapart Gate
Dombóvári út 27
Budapest 1117, Hungary
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