Holidays and Christmas charity at Helpers 2024
2024 has been an eventful year for Helpers. The biggest change was that we moved to a new office after 10 years at our previous place, and we have launched our brand new website. In Hungary, December is also the season for holiday preparations – and holidays, of course, when you can ideally take time off from work, spend time with friends and family, and reflect on the year past and the year to come.
We hope you will also get some rest to yourself.
2024 has been an eventful year for Helpers. The biggest change was that we moved to a new office after 10 years at our previous place, and we have launched our brand new website. In Hungary, December is also the season for holiday preparations – and holidays, of course, when you can ideally take time off from work, spend time with friends and family, and reflect on the year past and the year to come.
We hope you will also get some rest to yourself.
Holidays at Helpers
After all the hard work throughout the year, the Helpers Team is going on a holiday between Christmas and New Year, and the office is closing.
- Last day of work in 2024: 23 December, Monday
- First day of work in 2025: 2 January, Thursday
However, please feel free to send us a message even while we are on holiday. We will get back to you first thing in January.
Christmas charity drive 2024
Around this time of the year we always do something to support that is important to us. In previous years, we have raised and donated funds for the Suhanj! Foundation’s blind runners and handbike athletes to travel to the NYC marathon, or dedicated our Christmas party to fund the Budapest Bike Maffia’s Vitamin Commando for a year. We have bought heated dog houses for the Noé Foundation, run Santa Runs with kids from Bag in support of Bagázs, and many other similar things. On various occasions we have also supported NGO’s working in our field, such as Menedék.
This year again we are celebrating Christmas with donations to various NGOs chosen by our staff, made jointly by Helpers Hungary and our subsidiary, Helpers Finance. These associations are as diverse as our colleagues. Take a look at what our colleagues say about these charities, and decide if either of them moves your heart. Making a donation to an NGO with a “public benefit purpose” may even decrease your tax base (more about this below the list).
NGOs providing food and shelter to those in need
In times of hardship, organizations focused on humanitarian aid and poverty alleviation provide a lifeline to those in need.
Magyar Élelmiszerbank Egyesület (Hungarian Food Bank Association)
Dedicated to reducing food waste and fighting hunger, this NGO redistributes surplus food to those who need it most. One colleague emphasized, “It’s unacceptable to waste resources while people go hungry.”
Oltalom Karitatív Egyesület (“Auspices” Charitable Association)
Led by Gábor Iványi, this organization helps the homeless and the poor with food, shelter, education, and job opportunities. “Living in district VIII, I see their impactful work firsthand,” shared a team member of ours.
Katolikus Karitász (Catholic Caritas)
Connected to the Catholic Church of Hungary, this charity provides assistance to families, the elderly, refugees, and disaster victims with the help of thousands of volunteers across Hungary.
Menedékház Alapítvány (“Shelter” Foundation)
The “Shelter Foundation” fights against poverty and segregation by providing various kinds of aid as well as accommodation to disadvantaged and poor families and homeless people to improve their lives and increase their chances for re-integration into society. Their resilience inspires us to help where it’s needed most.
Adománytaxi Alapítvány (“Charity Taxi” Foundation)
The “Charity Taxi Foundation” helps people living in extreme poverty in small villages by collecting unwanted goods, mainly clothes from people living in Budapest and distributing them during monthly trips to these villages with their volunteers.
NGOs helping children in need
Children and youth are the foundation of our future, and organizations dedicated to their development help ensure they get the support and opportunities they need to thrive.
Igazgyöngy Alapítvány (“Real Pearl” Foundation)
Working in Eastern Hungary, this foundation combats child poverty through creative education. By teaching art, they bring joy and a sense of achievement to children, while fostering soft skills like patience, self-expression, and resilience—essential tools for building brighter futures.
Gyermekhíd Alapítvány (“A Bridge for Children” Foundation)
This charity focuses on supporting children placed in foster care due to abuse or neglect. With trauma-informed care and therapy, they help these children process their past and embrace a hopeful future. “They aim to give these kids a real chance at life, unshackled from the weight of their experiences,” shared one of our colleagues.
Belvárosi Tanoda Alapítvány (Foundation for the “School in the City Center”)
Helping teenagers with diverse challenges, this organization offers a personalized educational program to ensure every student can complete high school. “My brother works there, and I’ve seen the incredible impact they make,” noted one of our team members.
NGOs supporting health and dignity
We are grateful to all those who provide care and support to people facing immense challenges connected to their health, and we are happy to support them.
Magyar Hospice Alapítvány (Hungarian Hospice Foundation)
This foundation offers free, compassionate care for terminal cancer patients, focusing on pain relief, dignity, and emotional support for families. As one colleague shared, “Hospice is not about life coming to an end, but about still living it.”
Autizmus Alapítvány (Autism Foundation)
Providing resources, education, and therapy for people with autism, this foundation helps individuals lead full, happy lives. One team member shared how their programs greatly supported their brother.
Gondoskodás Gyermekeinkért Alapítvány (“Caring for our” Children Foundation)
A grassroots initiative started by mothers to create safer spaces for their children with severe and multiple disabilities. Their commitment proves that small groups can drive big changes.
Csepp a Tengerben Állami Gondozott Fogyatékos Gyerekekért Alapítvány (“A Drop In the Ocean” Foundation for disabled children living in the care of the state)
This organization focuses on the well-being and development of disabled children in state care, giving them the opportunities they deserve.
NGOs advocating for equality, support, and justice
Creating a fair and compassionate society takes collaboration, and advocacy organizations lead the charge for social change. Helpers Hungary is proud to support NGOs that are making an impact by championing causes that often go overlooked.
Patent Egyesület (“Patent” Association, the name is short for “People Against Patriarchy” in Hungarian)
Bridging gaps in gender equality, Patent Egyesület provides legal aid and psychological assistance to victims of violence against women and those facing restricted reproductive rights. They educate volunteers, advocate for policy changes, and create self-help groups to support survivors. As one colleague highlighted: “They empower women to take charge of their futures, doing the work a country should be doing on its own.”
Drog-Stop Budapest Egyesület (“Stop Drugs” Association)
This organization supports individuals battling addiction and their families during the often lengthy waiting periods for rehabilitation in Hungary. They also focus on prevention through interventions and counseling. One of our colleagues shared: “Their team is full of amazing people working hard under challenging conditions.”
Csak Egyet Szolgálat Alapítvány (“Only One” Mission)
Dedicated to social justice, this foundation maintained by the Catholic Church operates a day shelter for the homeless in the heart of Budapest while it works tirelessly to support both the homeless and other vulnerable members of society.
NGOs supporting animals
Our team at Helpers Hungary is proud to support organizations that dedicate themselves to the well-being of animals. These NGOs work tirelessly to provide food, shelter, and medical care for animals in need, and to promote environmental conservation.
Tappancs Állatvédő Alapítvány (“Tappancs” Foundation for Animal Protection)
“By supporting shelters, we help provide essential resources like food, medical care, and a safe place for animals in need. My donation is a way to contribute to the well-being of animals and support the dedicated people who give them a second chance at life.”
Ceglédi Állatmenhely Nyílt Alapítvány (Cegléd Animal Shelter)
“Cegléd is my hometown, and I spent a lot of time volunteering at this shelter while in high school. I want to support their hard work in helping animals.”
Szentendrei Árvácska Állatvédő Egyesület (“Árvácska” Szentendre Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals)
This society runs a shelter for cats and dogs in Szentendre, and day regularly have open days to educate visitors about animal protection. “My donation goes to this wonderful organization for their commitment to animals in need,” said our colleague who selected this NGO.
Luca Kutyamenedék (“Luca” Dog Shelter)
“This shelter, named after its founders’ first rescue dog, is in Csévharaszt, where I live. I first encountered them when I needed help for a scared, thin retriever I found. Their warm-hearted assistance changed the life of that dog and inspired me to volunteer with them. I’ve seen firsthand the amazing community and love they provide for animals, and I want Helpers to support them too.”
Magyar Madártani és Természetvédelmi Egyesület (Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Society (MME, Birdlife Hungary))
“MME raises awareness about conservation and environmental values, shaping environmental consciousness through programs for youth, families, and adults. They conduct vital research and collaborate internationally to protect our natural heritage.”
Being charitable is good for your company
Apart from giving back to the community through your CSR activities, donating to NGOs can help your company by reducing the corporate tax base.
- If it is a single donation, the corporate tax base is reduced by 20% of the donation.
- If it is a regular donation with a contract, the yearly corporate tax base is reduced by 40% of the yearly donation.
You just need a verification from the NGO that they operate “for the benefit of the public” (meaning they are a “közhasznú szervezet”). Consult your accountant.
Consider giving back to the community this Christmas, and donate to a good cause.
Contact us today
Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm CET
Helpers Hungary Kft
Budapart Gate
Dombóvári út 27
Budapest 1117, Hungary
If you’re visiting us, please use entrance A and come to the 2nd floor.