New regulation lets residency holders enter Hungary
As of 4 July 2020, the range of people who can enter Hungary is further widened. From now on, Hungarian residence permit holders can enter Hungary without police clearance if they are not infected with SARS-CoV-2. You can check the regulations themselves here (in Hungarian).
As of 4 July 2020, the range of people who can enter Hungary is further widened. From now on, Hungarian residence permit holders can enter Hungary without police clearance if they are not infected with SARS-CoV-2. You can check the regulations themselves here (in Hungarian).
Last updated on 31 August 2020
UPDATE: New regulations apply starting from 1 September 2020. Read more here.
Currently there are 3 categories for entry to Hungary:
1. Enter Hungary without restrictions (unchanged since June 18)
Since 18 June, you can enter Hungary without restrictions if you belong to one of the below categories. You do not need police clearance, and you do not need to self-quarantine once you are in Hungary.
- citizens of Hungary
- citizens of the EU and Iceland, Lichtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, and Serbia (but NOT the UK)
- close family members (spouse and underage children) of citizens of Hungary and the above countries, and
- people with service or diplomat passports
2. Enter Hungary without police clearance but with quarantine OR negative tests (NEW)
As of 4 July, you can enter Hungary without a police clearance if you belong to one of the below categories.
- non-EU citizens who hold a valid Hungarian residence permit that was issued for a stay of more than 90 days,* regardless of the type of the residence permit
- UK citizens who hold a valid Hungarian residence permit that was issued for a stay of more than 90 days,* regardless of the type of the residence permit
*Visas with a total validity of less than 90 days e.g. C-type visas do not qualify.
Upon entry, you will have to pass a medical examination. If you are suspected to be infected with SARS-CoV-2, you will be quarantined at a location decided by the authorities (normally your registered address in Hungary). If you do not seem infected, you will still be required to stay in self-quarantine for 14 days. However, the requirement for self-quarantine is waived if you have 2 negative SARS-CoV-2 test results, both performed over the last 5 days prior to your entry to Hungary, indicating that you are healthy. The test certificates must be in Hungarian or English.
3. Enter Hungary with police clearance, with quarantine (unchanged)
Since 18 June, you can enter Hungary with police clearance if you can justify your travel to Hungary. Various reasons may be accepted, but you can find a detailed list of possible reasons here. This option is relevant for you if you belong to one of the below categories:
- non-EU citizens who do NOT hold a valid Hungarian residence permit
- UK citizens who do NOT hold a valid Hungarian residence permit
Upon entry, you will have to pass a medical examination. If you are suspected to be infected with SARS-CoV-2, you may be turned away from the border. If you do not seem infected, you will still be required to stay in self-quarantine, or you will be quarantined at a location decided by the authorities for 14 days.
Click here to start the application process for police clearance.
You can only fill in the form in Hungarian, and the page itself is also in Hungarian. Go to the bottom left tile: “Államhatáron történő beutazáshoz méltányossági kérelem”. Then click it again on the next page. On the third page, you have the following options:
- COVID-01: entry application with logging in to „ügyfélkapu” (the Hungarian electronic administration system)
- COVID-02: entry application without logging in to „ügyfélkapu”
- COVID-03: appeal if your previous application was refused, with logging in to „ügyfélkapu”
- COVID-04: appeal if your previous application was refused, without logging in to „ügyfélkapu”
You will most probably need the option COVID-02, especially if you are not registered to „ügyfélkapu”.
Questions? Let us know!
If you have any questions regarding the new regulations for entry to Hungary, let us know, and we will do our best to find you a reliable answer. Our expert colleagues are also happy to assist you with the police clearance application, or with any other procedure related to Hungarian immigration.
Contact us today
Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm CET
Helpers Hungary Kft
Budapart Gate
Dombóvári út 27
Budapest 1117, Hungary
If you’re visiting us, please use entrance A and come to the 2nd floor.