
Corporate social responsibility

Give back to your community

Corporate social responsibility is recognising that businesses should engage with the environment and communities in which they operate, and strive to function in an economical, social and environmentally sustainable manner. There are several benefits of this attitude to companies. It improves your business reputation and create positive publicity. It also enhances relationship within teams and employees.

Rather than only taking care to do no harm, several companies also actively engage in projects that improve their surroundings. They plant trees, set up a playground or create a free bike repair station. No matter what the size of the project is, the main goal is the benefit to the community and strengthening the good connection to the company.

For your employees, such activities are an excellent way to get out of their comfort zones and try new things. They will get to know sides of their colleagues that they might not see during normal work hours. This will strengthen the bond between co-workers and build tighter and better functioning teams.

CSR at Helpers

Helpers has been active in supporting two initiatives. In 2015, we organised a fundraiser for Suhanj! – Achilles Hungary, a foundation supporting disabled athletes. We completed a charity tandem bike ride around lake Velence near Budapest. With monetary contributions from both Helpers and our generous partners, we raise enough money to cover three athletes’ participation in the New York Marathon.  We look forward to continued cooperation with Suhanj. We’ll be organising a spinning session at the gym operated by foundation, where people of all abilities can train together.

Helpers recently completed a charity run organised by LÁSS, an organisation that supports visually impaired runners. For the run, we teamed up with BAGázs, a charity working for the integration of the Roma in the nearby village of Bag northeast of Budapest. We invited a group of Roma kids to run the race with us, had tremendous fun, and of course pizza afterwards. 

We have continued supporting BAGázs by providing a training venue for IT training.



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Monday - Friday
9am - 5pm CET

Helpers Hungary Kft

Budapart Gate

Dombóvári út 27

Budapest 1117, Hungary


If you’re visiting us, please use entrance A and come to the 2nd floor.

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