Client testimonial

With Helpers, I was able to make sure that my company is up to par with Hungarian and EU standards. Their solid advice will help you make sound business decisions.

RYAN ANDRES ERRL Enterprises / Barako Coffee House


Company modification tips Hungary – Hiring an auditor

Company modification is the official procedure through which a lawyer’s help you can change the core data of your Hungarian company with the Company Registry. One of the cases when you need this procedure is when your company is hiring an auditor.

Don’t forget to donate your 1% personal income tax

The deadline to report your personal income tax in Hungary is coming up: 21 May 2024, Tuesday. At the same time, you can also donate 1+1% of your taxes. This costs you nothing, and you can support a good cause.

Useful Tips

HELPERS prices are all-inclusive – we don’t charge extra for initial paperwork when forming a company, regular tax audits or preparing the company’s yearly report, contrary to the practice of many other firms.

Accounting and finance services in Hungary

When you are doing business in a foreign country, it is especially important to have a clear understanding of taxation and financial regulations as well as professionals keeping your books – this way you can keep your company compliant, avoid any unpleasant fines or difficulties, and ensure that your money gets budgeted and spent in the optimal way. Read on, or check out our accountancy website at

Find an accountant

In Hungary, all companies must submit regular accounting reports (in Hungarian) from the date of their incorporation. We are aware that some countries are more flexible or lenient in this regard, so we would like to ensure that our clients are aware of their obligations when setting up a company in this country, and can (with our assistance) run a compliant operation. We have compiled a fact sheet  about taxation and other regulations; we hope you will find it informative.

Please note that if you are also applying for or currently holding a resident permit in Hungary, it is crucial that you keep your company’s books in order at all times, as these are checked by the immigration authority.

Business accounting

We provide accounting and financial services including bookkeeping, payroll, financial controlling, profit and loss calculations, cash flow projections and many more. All of our services focus on small and medium-size, foreigner-owned businesses. This specialization, in combination with related areas of our activity (like business planning, incorporation, residency and work permits) yields a unique pool of knowledge and experience that no other service provider in Hungary can boast. Working with a senior accountant, junior colleagues, and – when needed – external specialists like VAT or customs experts, we are able to cover all your accounting needs in one place.

Please check out our fact sheet here


Accounting rates are based on your company’s business activity and volume, although all our packages include the work of an English-speaking, certified accountant, representation at the tax authority in case of inspections, and liability insurance to cover potential accounting errors. Some activities may be considered high-risk and incur higher accounting fees. At the same time, we do our best to offer cost effective solutions to clients and will be happy to work with your staff to share the workload in an optimal way.

Contact us for a tailored quote

  • submitting invoices and bank statements to the accountant: 5th of each month
  • reporting sick leaves, salaries or bonuses: 1st of each month
  • reporting any changes in the company’s operations (changes in ownership, owner’s or director’s personal data, bank accounts, activity, employees, etc.): within 5 working days
  • fiscal year closing / annual reports due: May 31st for the previous fiscal year
  • VAT declarations and payments: on the 20th of each month, for the preceding month or quarter (depending on how often the company declares VAT)
  • payroll taxes & social contributions: on the 12th of each month, for the preceding month
  • corporate tax advances: paid quarterly on the 20th of July, October, January and April, in 4 equal installments, calculated on the basis of the previous closed fiscal year
  • local business tax advance: paid twice a year (15th March and September)

The basic Hungarian business taxes are the following:

  • local business tax: 2% on net revenues (meaning: your income minus any direct costs such as cost of goods or services that are re-sold)
  • corporate tax (also known as profit tax): 9%; applies to profits after the deduction of all expenses including direct and general expenses
  • dividend tax: the company’s taxed profits can be retained in the company’s budget or paid out to shareholders as dividend; in Hungary, dividend tax is 15% and there is an additional 13% social contribution tax payable which is maximized in HUF 832,416 (ca. EUR 2,100) per year – however, this only applies to Hungarian residents; in the case of non-local residents, specific bilateral agreements between Hungary and your country of residence may apply.
  • VAT (value added tax, or also known as sales tax in some countries) is 27%; whenever you buy something in a shop for example, it is always already added to the price you see. You will charge VAT only towards individual (retail) buyers or corporate EU-based buyers who are not registered for VAT, meaning that if you are an international trader, you may not charge VAT at all.

VAT is value added tax, also known as sales tax in some countries. In Hungary, VAT is 27%, and whenever you buy something in a shop for example, it is always already added to the price you see, so you do not have to start counting each time how much something will cost. When you start your company in Hungary (which will immediately receive an EU VAT number as well), and issue your own invoices towards your clients, you will charge VAT only towards individual (retail) buyers or corporate EU-based buyers who are not registered for VAT. However, if you are an international trader, you may not charge VAT at all.

Invoices to buyers/clients can only be issued through a licensed invoicing software (recommended) or an official ’invoice booklet’ (not very convenient). Invoices issued in Excel, foreign invoicing programs or other means are not acceptable in Hungary. We strongly recommend that you purchase a license for the invoicing software (license fee: approx. EUR 140/year) and learn to use this program through our assistance. This way, you’ll be able to issue invoices in Hungarian and English, in full compliance with the local regulations, and even in PDF format if you wish.

In Hungary, all companies must submit regular accounting reports (in Hungarian) from the date of their incorporation. We are aware that some countries are more flexible or lenient in this regard, so we would like to ensure that our clients are aware of their obligations when setting up a company in this country, and can (with our assistance) run a compliant operation.

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HELPERS specializes in working with foreign business owners and investors even when it comes to accountancy and financial services.

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