Client testimonial

When we decided to start our Hungarian company, we noticed that most info available is in Hungarian. Helpers guided us through all the processes. I can only recommend them.



Company modification tips Hungary – Hiring an auditor

Company modification is the official procedure through which a lawyer’s help you can change the core data of your Hungarian company with the Company Registry. One of the cases when you need this procedure is when your company is hiring an auditor.

Report your corporate tax by 31 May in Hungary

Are you operating a company in Hungary? Then make sure to report and pay corporate tax for 2022 by 31 May 2023 the latest! You probably have an accountant that helps you with reporting related to your business – get in touch with them to make sure everything is alright.

Useful Tips

The incorporation procedure can be done via POA or in person, but after the registration the director must be present in Hungary briefly in order to open the bank account. We do our best to keep it simple, and also provide full assistance during client visits.

Company formation in Hungary

Click here for pricing.

Why choose Helpers?

  • 18 years of experience
  • Dedicated team of 20+ experts
  • 2,500+ satisfied clients
  • 10+ languages spoken

We specialize in starting and managing businesses for foreign business-owners. Thanks to that, we understand your requirements and preferences better than anyone else in Hungary. Our team of professionals is ready to help you set up your Hungarian company, complete with mail forwarding, accountancy, and other services on demand.

Why Hungary?

  • Quick and easy incorporation in 4-5 business days
  • Low corporate tax at only 9%
  • Immediate EU VAT number
  • Easy visa and residency options for all nationalities

Starting a business, that is, setting up a company in Hungary takes only a few days, including VAT registration – making Hungary one of the last countries to issue EU VAT numbers automatically. Combined with a 9% corporate tax, this makes Hungary a prime business and investment destination, ideal for foreign nationals looking for a cost-effective solution or a convenient base in Europe.


Choose the company formation package that best suits your business goals and current situation. All of our packages include everything that is compulsory, with no hidden fees or extras. Time frame for company registration: complete within 4-5 days of signing

Essential: EUR 1,690 (+ VAT if applicable)

*This option is available only if you can register a company seat on your own and if you can translate Hungarian documents for yourself.

  • company formation (company registration in person or via POA)
  • company registration tax
  • local and EU VAT number
  • bank introduction
  • documentation in Hungarian and English
  • personal tax number and social security number for the director
  • chamber of commerce registration (incl. membership fee for the first year)
  • registration for electronic administration (the “Client Gate”): we accompany you to the public records office to register for electronic administration, vital for the accountancy of your Hungarian company

Standard: EUR 2,590 (+VAT if applicable)

In addition to everything in the Essential package, you get the following:

  • registered office for one year (prestigious business address next to the Parliament)
  • comprehensive mail forwarding and back office for one year: we collect your incoming mail, open it, then forward it to your accountant, or, if necessary, prepare a short summary for you in English, complete with instructions on what (if any) action you need to take
  • company extract in English: verifies that you are operating a company in Hungary, useful e.g. in negotiation with business partners

Accounting+: EUR 3,990 (+VAT if applicable)

In addition to everything in the Standard package, you get the following:

  • accountancy for 6 months, complete with handling up to 3 bank accounts, issuing up to 20 invoices per month, and doing payroll for up to 2 employees.

This package is ideal for foreign business-owners who want to take advantage of an English-speaking accounting team from Day 1 of the company’s operation and make sure that the company remains compliant with local tax regulations even while there is little activity.

Corporate: EUR 3,990 (+VAT if applicable)

In addition to everything in the Standard package, you get the following:

  • paperwork relevant for setting up a subsidiary or a branch office
  • 3 hours of expert consultancy: choose up to three topics and discuss your questions with an expert on each:
    • legal matters
    • HR and payroll
    • taxation
    • accounting
    • immigration to Hungary

This package is ideal for clients who already have a business abroad and want to open a subsidiary or a branch office in Hungary, and who want to better understand their options and the local regulations before taking their first step.

Additional services

Setting up your Hungarian company as an affiliate to a foreign business is possible in other packages as well, for an additional EUR 500 (+VAT if applicable).

If you are interested in getting residency through business operation, please check out our options for business immigration here.

Click here to see our brochure with a comparison table.


It offers you a space where you can spend time on your own or with your clients. This will also contribute to the Hungarian bank account opening procedure, since it proves to the bank that you are committed to operating a viable company in the local market.

The client gate (or “Ügyfélkapu” in Hungarian) is an access point to e-Government, or the electronic administration in Hungary. It lets you take care of paperwork online or make appointments at public records offices. You can register your Hungarian company at the company gate through the client gate, which makes it essential for company opening. Read more here.

The company gate (or “Cégkapu” in Hungarian) is a web portal with an electronic storage place where official mail is always accessible. It is similar to the registered address of your company, and registration is also compulsory. Currently only the tax authority sends messages there, but the range of authorities will be expanded in the future. If you have your accountancy at Helpers, we can take care of the registration for you, as your accountant may be authorized to view your official mail – especially letters from the tax authority. You can read more here.

If you order the accountancy service together with the registered seat and mail forwarding from Helpers Hungary, you can make sure that all the official enquiries will reach you and your accountant on time, and your company will never miss a deadline when it comes to administration.

The company will automatically receive an EU VAT number as well as a local tax number upon registration – no need for further paperwork! Every Hungarian company is automatically eligible, so there is no application process. You can start trading with your new VAT number as soon as the company is registered.

You can set up a subsidiary to any Hungarian or foreign company, in this case we will need:

  • a company registration document that contains the parent company’s name, seat address, registration number, and the director(s) name(s) – this document needs to be apostilled or authenticated by a Hungarian Consulate and translated into Hungarian (the latter we can arrange).
  • the details of the director of the parent company (date and place of birth, mother’s maiden name, address)
  • a POA from the director of the parent company (in case he/she is not going to be present in Budapest) – once we have all the details, we can draft this and send it to you – this document also needs to be Apostilled or authenticated by a Hungarian Consulate
  • a POA from the director (and any shareholder) of the Hungarian subsidiary – this document also needs to be Apostilled or authenticated by a Hungarian Consulate

You can set up a company via POA – we will require authentication (simple notary, apostille, or authentication by a Hungarian consulate, depending on where you are signing), and we can arrange the company registration without your presence. However, the director of the company has to travel to Budapest at least for one day to open the bank account for the company. Alternatively, you can schedule a 3-4 business day long trip and complete the procedure during your stay.

One of the advantages of incorporating a company in Hungary is that there is no obligation to deposit the share capital in the bank, and 100% of this capital can be spent immediately after incorporation on company-related expenses. The amount of the share capital is HUF 3 000 000 (cca EUR 8,300). All related services (e.g. accounting services, registered office) can be deducted from the share capital, so in case of a tax audit (which is common for foreign owned companies in the first few months) the authorities will not question the whereabouts of the funds. Alternatively, if the share capital is not spent by the time of the audit (on start-up expenses or other deductibles such as wages or office/material costs), you may have to present this amount in cash/on the bank account.

Yes. Helpers offers full-service assistance with setting up a business in Hungary. Hungarian company formation is one of the fastest in the European Union – from the signing of the registration documents, it takes no more than 24-48 hours. VAT registration is also immediate, so you can start working immediately, and take advantage of Hungary’s favorable 9% corporate tax.

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Clients are always pleasantly surprised how quick, easy and cost-effective company formation is in Hungary. Get started today!

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