Company formation in Central Europe
Interested in company formation in the EU, but not sure if Hungary is your best bet? Check out our new website that offers company formation in Central Europe, compare the most important factors, and make an informed decision that will suit your business the most.
Interested in company formation in the EU, but not sure if Hungary is your best bet? Check out our new website that offers company formation in Central Europe, compare the most important factors, and make an informed decision that will suit your business the most.
Where to set up your EU company?
Moving your business to the EU is a big step. It will open new markets in front of you, but you will also have to get accustomed to a new business environment. In the European Union, while various policies and directives are offered by all members states, the individual countries have the right to shape their own markets. As a result, each of them offer different conditions for business setup, with different expectations and different benefits. In such a scene, it makes sense to work with a single provider who knows each of these markets well, and can help you select the country that is best for your business specifically.
Compare available options
At the new website, you can learn more about company formation in countries of Central Europe, including Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Poland. You can learn more about the countries themselves, the company formation procedures in each, and the most important taxes your company will have to pay. Since Helpers Hungary provides business assistance in Hungary for more than 15 years, we are confident that we selected comparison aspects that truly matter.
In each country, company formation is relatively quick, under a month. However, in Hungary and in Czechia, company registration can take less than a week! Hungary offers the lowest corporate tax, and Slovakia the lowest dividend tax. Slovakia also has euro (EUR) as its currency, which makes it the only member of the euro zone in this selection. At the same time, the required minimum share capital in Czechia is less than EUR 1.
Check out our comparison page, and see which country profile suits your business.
Want to learn more about Central Europe?
While the comparison page gives a good overview of Central European company formation, you can also take a look at the detailed country pages. For now, you can learn in detail about Hungary and Slovakia, but more information will be added about Czechia and Poland over the coming months. If you have specific questions, you can also try our FAQ.
Our company formation services are normally available in tiered packages. You can check them out on our Pricing page. If you cannot see a combination of services that is just right for you, feel free to get in touch, and ask our experts about your options.
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