Why is it important to have a Hungarian address card?

december 8, 2017

If you hold Hungarian permanent residency, acquired in the Hungarian Residency Bond Program, you probably do not have a registered address in Hungary. If you use your Hungarian residency only to ensure visa-free travel in the Schengen zone, that is fine. However, there are several benefits to be gained from holding a Hungarian address as well as residency.

The benefits of a Hungarian address card

  1. If your true aim is to gain Hungarian citizenship, you will need a Hungarian registered address as well as residency. You become eligible for Hungarian citizenship after five years of holding residence in Hungary – that is, if authorities can verify you have had an accommodation in Hungary for at least five years.

You can renew your permanent residency as many times as you want to, but you become eligible for Hungarian citizenship only if you have acquired a Hungarian registered address and an address card in time.

In Hungary, most of the official paperwork requires a legal address, as the address is one of the main pieces of information for identification. If you have a Hungarian address card:

  1. You can buy a car or more cars in Hungary.
  2. You can open a bank account at any Hungarian bank.
  3. You can sign up for a post-paid mobile service at a Hungarian operator.
  4. You can localize your driving licence. With a Hungarian driving licence, you can drive a car anywhere in the European Union.

Proof of accommodation

The service offered by Helpers provides you a proof of accommodation. We also provide assistance in the application for the Hungarian address card and the identity card. These will make your new life in Europe even more convenient.

The process usually requires one trip to Hungary, but under specific conditions it can be done through a POA. For more information, contact Mo Shaban (mo@helpers.hu), or call our office on +36.1.317.8570.

Let’s make the most of your Hungarian permanent residency!


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  • Ez a mező az érvényesítéshez van és üresen kell hagyni.
What do I do if I lose my Hungarian residence permit?

If your Hungarian residence permit is lost, damaged, or destroyed, you must notify the Immigration Office and ask for a replacement. If you are not in Hungary, the local Hungarian consulate can assist you.

Can my child sign their Hungarian residency application?
Can my child sign their Hungarian residency application?

Children are not fully legally competent. They cannot make certain decisions for themselves, and as a result, they cannot sign documents: you, their parent must take action on their behalf.

