Best of Budapest (a.k.a. A Day in the City) partners with Helpers Hungary
The bloggers at Best of Budapest – also the founders of the greatly successful Hungarian trend-setter blog called Egy Nap a Városban [A Day in the City] – love to roam the streets of the city and by now they really know Budapest by heart. Now, in order to soothe their readers’ hunger for more English-language articles about the treasures of Budapest, they have partnered with Helpers Hungary, the country’s leading provider of comprehensive immigration, business and language solutions for foreigners living, working or doing business in Hungary. As Helpers has its own, full-fledged translation agency, the partnership truly brings you the best of Budapest: the bloggers contribute exclusive know-how and tips, while Helpers makes sure that none of the local flavor of the posts is lost in translation.
Starting from April 2015, the members of the two teams are working together to win your heart for our beautiful city. If you want to know more about the best sites of this beautiful city, check out their writings for the credible reviews, of-the-moment updates, and truly local tips that Budapest locals read and love A Day in the City for! Visit now!
Írjon nekünk!
Hétfő – Péntek
9:00 – 17:00
Helpers Hungary Kft.
Budapart Gate
Dombóvári út 27.
Budapest, 1117 Hungary
Irodánk a 2. emeleten található, és az „A” bejárat felől érhető el.