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Use the Egészségablak app to access your Hungarian healthcare data

As part of electronic administration in Hungary, you can access your healthcare related information not only through the EESZT and the NEAK web portal, but also through the new Egészségablak app on your mobile phone.

As part of electronic administration in Hungary, you can access your healthcare related information not only through the EESZT and the NEAK web portal, but also through the new Egészségablak app on your mobile phone.

What is the Egészségablak?

Egészségablak is the name of the mobile application that lets you access your data stored by Hungarian healthcare administration. You can access the same information as through the EESZT portal (and in some cases, the NEAK portal), but the mobile app is also available in English, making it more user friendly to foreigners living in Hungary.

The name Egészségablak means “health window” in English, and it was probably created the same way as kormányablak, or “government window”, which is the official name of government offices where you can take care of administrative procedures.

How to access the Egészségablak?

If you have a smartphone and an Ügyfélkapu+ or DÁP login, you can download the Egészségablak app from Google Play or the App Store and you will be able to log in and access your healthcare related data stored by Hungarian government agencies. Once you have logged in, you can also set it up to use the biometric identification of your phone, so you do not have to go through the 2FA login process every time you want to open the app.

If you had the old EESZT app that was developed to display your coronavirus vaccination certificate, it was automatically updated to become the Egészségablak. Displaying vaccinations remained a feature, but many more have been added since the early days of the pandemic.

Features of the Egészségablak app

After logging in for the first time, it makes sense to start with switching the app language to English. Head to the menu icon in the bottom right corner of your screen marked as “Továbbiak”, and you will be shown a list of options. Choose “Nyelv beállítása”, and tap on “Angol” to change the main language of the app to English. Unfortunately, some features will remain in Hungarian (such as file names among your documents or the glossary), but managing your data will still become a lot easier.


Under the Documents tile, you will find your Hungarian medical records going back to 2018. The documents may include outpatients cards, examination reports, vaccination certificates, etc., which you can view on your phone. If you log in to EESZT on your computer, you can download the same documents in PDF format under “Ellátások” >> “Egészségügyi és betegdokumentumok”. Older documents may be accessed on the platform of NEAK, under “Betegéletút” >> “Betegéletút lekérdezés és saját háziorvos adatok”.


Prescribing medications is done electronically in Hungary. If you are prescribed medications, here you can check the list, or if you ask your doctor for a refill, here you can check if it went through. At the pharmacy, the pharmacist can check what is prescribed for you based on your TAJ number (your Hungarian social security number). The same information is under “eReceptek” in EESZT.


Some Hungarian healthcare services can only be accessed based on a referral (“beutaló”) from your family doctor. Here you can check your current referrals. (Of course, if you are visiting a private healthcare provider, you do not need a referral.) The same documents are under “eBeutalók” in EESZT.


If you have any appointments, you can check them here. You can also make appointments either based on a referral or without it. You can access the same function under “Időpontok” in EESZT.

Family doctor

If you already have a family doctor or GP (general practitioner) in Hungary, here you can check who they are and what are their consulting hours. You can access the same information not in EESZT, but on the platform of NEAK, under “Betegéletút” >> “Betegéletút lekérdezés és saját háziorvos adatok”.


If you allow the Egészségablak app to access your location data, you can get a list of nearby pharmacies, complete with opening hours. If you push the Navigate button under the information, you can choose your preferred map application to take you there.


This function works like a traffic light for your social security (or “TB” for “Társadalombiztosítás” in Hungarian). Your TAJ number (or Social Security Number) will be displayed here, alongside a colored circle. If the circle is green, you are insured and all is fine. If the circle is yellow, red, blue, or brown, something is wrong, and you should consult your employer or your accountant. Learn more here in Hungarian.


Your appointments can be displayed here in a calendar, and they can be synchronized with your personal calendar you use on your phone.

Health A-Z

This is a glossary of health and healthcare related terms, currently only available in Hungarian.

Screening tests

Here you can find information about recommended screenings based on age and sex, for now only in Hungarian.

Digital Covid certificates

Here you can find your certificates related to the coronavirus pandemic, including vaccination, test results, and recovery. The QR codes stored in the app can be used by other parties to verify that you are healthy.

1812 Egészségvonal

1812 is a toll-free phone number in Hungary where you can ask your questions regarding your health and healthcare in Hungary all day, every day. They are supposed to have English-speaking operators as well. You can call the number directly from the Egészségablak app. However, if you have an emergency, call 112 instead!


If you have any documents you might need often or want to access easily, you can mark them as a favorite. For example, if you want to add your latest lab result to the favorites so it will not be lost among other medical records, open the document among Documents, then tap on the meatball menu icon in the top right corner, and tap on the star icon to mark it as a favorite.


Here you can find a list of notifications sent by the app.


Here you can access the settings for each feature the Egészségablak app offers, including permissions, privacy, logins, and language settings. Under Help, you will find some frequently asked questions, as well as additional information about the app.

About Helpers Hungary

Helpers has 20 years of experience assisting foreigners living, working, and doing business in Hungary. Our goal is to help you navigate Hungarian bureaucracy, whether you need assistance with company setup or immigration. Should you need any help, feel free to contact us.

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