Working hours for student residency holders increased in Hungary

szeptember 14, 2022

Third-country nationals studying in Hungary are allowed to work beside their studies. The number of officially approved working hours has just increased, so now you are allowed to work 30 hours a week without forfeiting your student residency.

Approved student working hours

If you have student residency in Hungary, the number of your working hours is limited, so you must focus on your studies if it is already the main purpose of your stay. However, the limits have just been increased, so now you are allowed to perform work as follows:

  • During study period: at most 30 hours / week.
  • Outside study period (so during exam periods and the summer break): at most 90 days or 66 working days / year.

Of course, the limits only apply if you work on an hourly basis. So let’s have a quick overview of working options for foreign students in Hungary. Alternatively, click here for a more detailed explanation, or here for information about taxes relevant for each option.

Working with student residency

1. Student organizations

Most students in Hungary work through student organizations, which act both as a job agency and an administrative body for students. This is usually the most cost-effective (read: well-paying) option, because while working for a student organization, you are not required to pay social security, and your employer can save the social contribution tax.

2. Regular employment

Of course, you are also allowed to work in regular employment as long as the above limits are observed. In this case, normal taxation applies.

3. Simplified employment

Simplified employment is most typical in agriculture or in the film industry, when human resource is needed for just a few days at a time. Limits on working hours still apply, while this scheme has its own limits on continuous work too.

4. Agency contract

Since an agency contract is most typical for work on a project basis, working hours are usually not counted. However, you should still make sure you have enough time for your studies and for proper rest.

5. Self-employment

With student residency in Hungary, you are allowed to start your own business. Working hours are not counted in this case either, but you must learn the basics of accounting and taxation. There are various tax regimes available to those self-employed; currently, flat-rate taxation is the most cost-effective. As a full-time student, you are taxed the same as if you had a full-time job, so various benefits apply. Learn more here.

Get help from the best

Helpers Hungary offers business and immigration services to foreigners living, working, and studying in Hungary.

Please note: Helpers no longer provides stand-alone student visa application assistance. If you need help, contact your university for guidance, since many universities offer information at their admission offices. When you need help with switching to another permit based on your plans in Hungary, we are happy to help.

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  • Adatkezelési nyilatkozat
    Az Önnel való kapcsolattartás és az ajánlattétel során adatait az adatkezelési nyilatkozatunknak megfefelően fogjuk kezelni.
    Szeretnék feliratkozni a blogra, hogy rendszeresen értesüljek a cégalapítással, bevándorlással, állampolgársággal és üzleti szolgáltatásokkal kapcsolatos hírekről.
  • Ez a mező az érvényesítéshez van és üresen kell hagyni.
What do I do if I lose my Hungarian residence permit?

If your Hungarian residence permit is lost, damaged, or destroyed, you must notify the Immigration Office and ask for a replacement. If you are not in Hungary, the local Hungarian consulate can assist you.

Can my child sign their Hungarian residency application?
Can my child sign their Hungarian residency application?

Children are not fully legally competent. They cannot make certain decisions for themselves, and as a result, they cannot sign documents: you, their parent must take action on their behalf.

